Monday, September 13, 2010

About Male Hormone Replacement Therapy: Anti Aging Treatment for a Fit, Well, and Balanced Man

Hormones that supply life-giving nutrients decline with age. A man with low male hormone levels can suffer from conditions like fatigue, irritability, and weight gain. Low hormone levels can also cause erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. One known cause of male hormone deficiency is andropause, also known as "male menopause."

Male menopause causes low production of male hormones that could cause a man to feel fatigue, depression, sexual dysfunction, and mood swings. In general, male hormone levels begin descending at the age of 42. The average drop of male hormones is about 1% per year, according to Dr. Thomas Travison who led the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, January 2007)

How Do Men Age?


The endocrine glands produce the hormones that provide the life-giving nutrients needed to run the body functions. Aside from controlling the body functions, hormones also keep the body fluid balanced, metabolism steady, and the levels of calcium and glucose in the blood normal.

On the other hand, when hormone levels decline, the metabolic function slows and shuts down, then aging begins. Aging signs slowly but surely start to show. Men who used to live life with vitality and vigor will experience symptoms brought on by the hormonal imbalance. There will be downward shift in strength and energy and a steady decline in physical performance and appearance.

The male hormone testosterone starts slowing down at about age 25 and accelerates its decline with aging. Unfortunately, most men get used to the symptoms of the hormone loss. In so doing, men fail to take prevention and treatment for male hormonal imbalance.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Delays Male Aging


Modern science and research have found that hormone therapy delays male aging process, and treats male hormonal imbalance.

One hormone replacement therapy makes use of the male steroid hormone "DHEA" to slow down bone loss, improve skin health, and enhance sexual drive in old men. A study on DHEA reported that DHEA hormone therapy could improve memory and mood, and levels of the "stress" hormone called cortisol. ("DHEA," © 2009 University of Maryland Medical Center)

Mass-produced synthetic hormones were once popular with the mainstream medicine. Due to the number of experts that argued the possible devastating side effects of this type of treatment, the method, though useful to an extent, did not progress. After a short while, science introduced the Bioidentical hormones that mimic the molecular structure of the hormones created by the human body.

"Bioidentical hormone medications contain hormones that are an exact chemical match to those made naturally by humans," says Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. ("Oprah and Bioidentical Hormones: FAQ," by Miranda Hitti, WebMD Health News, Jan. 15, 2009)
Bioidentical hormones, which are by-product of plant oils, can help men who have a hard time battling daily stress, depressed moods, and poor erections. Bioidentical hormone therapy replaces the hormones that the body had lost and needs back to function well.

Natural Bioidentical Hormones Help Men Age Gracefully


When hormones start to decline, no one can stop the degeneration, but something can slow down the progress. Bioidentical hormone therapy is all about life enhancement, extension and preservation.
Ideally, a man’s body must be equipped and programmed for balance and well-being. Men experiencing physical decline can find relief with hormone therapy to stabilize their conditions and prevent diminishing sex drive, weight gain, and mood swings.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a custom-made treatment based on the needs of a patient. The prescription designed exclusively for one man's hormone restoration or replacement therapy will help keep hormone level balanced and promote wellness until his later years. Aging men undergoing natural hormone replacement therapy will sense an increased vitality, memory, and energy.

Hormones serve the body well. Science recognizes hormones' many health-promoting benefits. Medical professionals acknowledge the fact that bringing hormone levels under control promote wellness in all levels, while declining hormone levels can cause age-related conditions such as diminishing libido, waning energy, decreasing lean muscle, increasing body fat, and other problems that can affect male sexual, physical and mental health. (Shores MM et al 2004)

Be fit, be well, and be balanced with hormone therapy. According to Dr. Michael E. Platt, author of "Natural Hormone Therapy for Men, Women and Children", hormones are the chemicals that make us healthy or make us ill. The correct replacement of a few natural bio identical hormones brings the body back into balance and allows people to improve the quality of their lives and to be healthier for a longer period of time.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize there's such thing as this for men! Very cool!
