Friday, April 17, 2009

Facelifts for Men

While plastic surgery was once purely the domain of women, men in record numbers are now seeking the benefits of these procedures too. Not only has it become increasingly popular but in this age obsessed culture, it's practically a necessity.

Liposuction, tummy tucks, eyelid surgery and facelifts all help the older gentlemen feel as young on the outside, as they do on the inside. As modern medical technology is increasing, and surgery is becoming easier than ever, it's an ideal time to start doing something about the negative effects of aging naturally.

Stress, getting older and excessive exposure to the sun all cause the face to show signs of strain that can be unpleasant to live with. Not only do they make many men feel uncomfortable about their appearance, but they can lead to a drop in confidence.

In these times of economic stress, it's important for one to always look their best at work. Facelifts help ease the aged look that's accumulated over the years. Sagging necklines, fading jaws, and tired looking cheeks can all be improved with the operation. They help to give a more natural, youthful appearance.

The procedure for male facelifts is similar to the one done for their female counterparts. There are five types available. They are endoscopic, lower, mid, mini and thread. An endoscopic facelift is a typically less invasive operation and results in less scarring than the others. This is traditionally more limited in scope but work well for patients in their late 30's and 40's without excessive amounts of sagging skin.

A lower facelift is a more traditional operation, and for most people is synonymous with their ideas for what such an undertaking amounts to. Here, a surgeon works through small cuts made along the ear. This works well for removing excess skin and flesh.

Mid face lifts focus primarily on the cheeks and along the lower eyelids. This procedure works well for patients who need skin lifted up but not necessarily in other directions. Mini face lifts are scaled down versions of the other surgeries, making minor incisions and changes. Most of these can be taken care of in a single weekend.

Thread facelifts are the least invasive of the aforementioned techniques and can be taken care of in a couple of hours. For these, a thin line of string is inserted and thread above the hairline to help pull up the skin. This is a good option for those just starting to see signs of aging.

As with all operations, there is risk of complication. It is important that a qualified, accredited surgeon is used when getting a facelift or any cosmetic procedure. Potential complications include excess bleeding, scaring, infection and possible numbness. As is true with all operations, complications could also arise from the use of general anesthesia.

Contact a surgeon to see if a face lift is right for you. It could just be the thing that restarts your life and encourages you to live well into the next stage of life.

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