Friday, April 17, 2009

Male Tummy Tuck

Many men are concerned about having "love handles," a "pot belly," or a "spare tire." Such concerns are not unfounded; right or wrong, our society places a high value on looking fit and young, for men as well as women. Male abdominoplasty, also called " male tummy tuck," is a common procedure that can reduce the size of a protruding belly by removing excess skin and tightening the muscles in the midsection. Tummy tuck surgery, for many men, can deliver a flatter, tighter, more aesthetically appealing abdominal contour. Below, find a brief overview of the abdominoplasty procedure for men.

Benefits of the Tummy Tuck for Men

Frequent or dramatic changes in weight can cause the abdominal muscles to weaken, the skin to sag, and stretch marks to appear. In many cases, however, simple aging is the primary reason behind the flabby midsection that is the source of frustration and disappointment for many men. As we age, fat redistributes itself to the abdominal area. For many men, exercise alone cannot produce the slim, fit, and youthful looking result they desire. Male tummy tuck surgery (or male abdominoplasty) can improve the appearance of the abdominal region through the removal of excess skin and tightening of the abdominal muscles. For the best results, male abdominoplasty should be teamed with a balanced diet and regular exercise. A common and highly successful procedure, tummy tuck surgery can create a tighter, flatter abdominal area for men, as well as provide a boost in confidence and a new, more youthful contour.

Variations on the Male Tummy Tuck Procedure

Abdominoplasty surgery for men is usually an outpatient procedure, performed under general or local anesthesia and sedation. In a traditional male tummy tuck procedure, an incision is made in the lower abdomen from hip to hip, and a second incision is made to reposition the navel. The abdominal muscles are tightened and excess skin is removed. The remaining skin is stretched to create a firmer, tighter abdomen.

In a partial, or "mini," male tummy tuck, less skin is removed, and the navel is left intact. A smaller incisional scar is left behind, and the recovery time is shorter compared to the full male abdominoplasty. Liposuction can also be performed at the same time to remove any excess fat from the area. The full male tummy tuck procedure takes approximately two to five hours and the partial male abdominoplasty requires one or two hours to complete.

In an extended tummy tuck, the surgical incision extends around the patient’s flanks, and the treatment area is expanded to include the “love handles” and upper hips. To determine which type of tummy tuck might be most appropriate in your case, consult a surgeon in your area.

During the endoscopic tummy tuck, small incisions are made and using a small camera device, the surgeon tightens the abdominal area. No skin is removed in this procedure and it is less invasive than other tummy tuck procedures.

The Cost of Male Abdominoplasty

The cost of abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck surgery) for men varies. Full tummy tuck prices can range from about $6,000 to $10,000. A “mini” male abdominoplasty will generally cost less, while an extended male tummy tuck can cost more. Several additional charges may be added for facility or operating room fees, the cost of anesthesia, lab or test fees, and follow-up care. Learn more about the cost of abdominoplasty.

Find a Surgeon Experienced in Performing the Abdominoplasty Procedure on Men

For more information on male abdominoplasty and to determine what type of tummy tuck procedure is right for you, use DocShop to arrange a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon in your area. The abdominoplasty procedure can produce a flatter, tighter, more aesthetically appealing midsection for many men.

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