Sunday, December 20, 2009

Testicular Implants - Thousands of men have chosen to replace testicles that have been lost due to trauma such as testicular torsion or disease such as testicular cancer to increase the self esteem and restore confidence.Some men may also have a genetic condition such as undescended testicles which have caused emotional distress since childhood.

Testicular implants
were banned in the United States until 1992 but are now readily available for male surgical enhancement.
About Testicular Implants

Testicular implants are fairly easy to place. The testicular plastic surgery procedure is a relatively simple one that only takes 30 minutes or so to perform. Most testicle reconstruction procedures will take place in a hospital setting by a plastic surgeon, though the procedure can sometimes be performed by a urologist or cosmetic surgeon who has a sterile operating area.

Men who are needing scrotal implants have two choices of the type of prosthetic testes to place, a solid silicone implant which is slightly heavier and more rigid than a natural testicle or a saline filled implant which has a more natural feel but has the possibility of rupture and may only last for 10 years or so.
About the Male Testicle Implant Surgery

Depending upon the patients specific needs, the procedure may be done under local anesthesia but some men may choose to have IV sedation as well. The cosmetic surgeon or urologist will make a small incision and insert the implant.

The testicular prosthetic may then be sutured in place after which the incision will be carefully closed with stitches designed to minimize scarring. Bandages will be placed to minimize swelling and fluid loss.
Recovery From Testicle Implant Procedure

Most patients report moderate pain and swelling following the procedure. Sensitivity to physical contact will also be noted by most and many patients are recommended to follow a regimen of bed rest for a few days. Most men will be able to remove bandaging within 5 days or so and return to normal activity within 2 weeks though sexual activity may be limited for 4 to 6 weeks.
Risks of Testicular Implant Surgery

The most common adverse events experienced by those who receive this type of male plastic surgery is the risk of infection. This can be minimized by following post operative instructions exactly. Some patient may develop scar tissue around the implant which causes hardening of some parts of the scrotal tissue, however this is a fairly rare occurrence. If hardening does occur, a testicle revision surgery may be recommended by a board certified plastic surgeon.
Choosing a Physician

When considering any type of plastic surgery, it is important to choose an experienced cosmetic surgeon for optimum results, though in this case some urologists may also be able to offer excellent skills. It will be important to interview the physician and ensure that he or she is experienced in performing similar surgeries and has produced excellent results for other patients.

Establishing a good rapport with a surgeon who can completely explain the procedure and expectations, along with viewing of before and after testicular implant surgery can help you be sure that you are making the correct choice for this important procedure.

1 comment:

  1. this post is as got latest techniwues which are being used by the doctor to implant and treat testis.
    this is at major in unites states but i think should be every where.

