Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tips on Treating Male Yeast Infection

This is a common cause of yeast infections in women, to feel, but it seems almost a myth for men. But the contract also provides for men yeast infections (Candida), and must also be informed about this issue, women the same speed.

Although often transmitted sexually by a woman, a male yeast infection said integration is not specified in sexually transmitted diseases, so that all persons, contracts for sex and in all cases. The same species of Candida (Candida albicans), however, that the cause of infection in women are the same as those of the men involved. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended by doctors to get a man and I have checked if your partner has a yeast infection.

Another cause of yeast infection for men is the use of condoms, which are lubricated with spermicide nonxynol-9. Researchers said the spermicide, the development of fungal infections in men and women.

However, not all yeast infections male sexual contract. There are yeast infections in men who are in other parts of the body including the mouth (thrush), ears, gastrointestinal tract and skin to find. This can be done by external factors such as drugs, disease and lifestyle. A diet high in sugar – a substance that feed the yeast – is one. Excessive consumption of alcohol, especially beer, may contribute to a yeast infection beer is top of the yeast and glucose. In this perspective, diabetes mellitus, as a reason, especially if it keeps the blood glucose. Smoking is also for people who have suggested an increased risk of oral candidiasis.

Misuse of antibiotics can kill the good bacteria in the body and yeast overgrowth. Other conditions that cause the immune system of humans is too low (is) the immune system, such as chronic steroid use, chemotherapy, HIV / AIDS and kidney transplant may create favorable conditions for the yeast to invade uncontrollable body.

Signs and symptoms include redness, pain and itching on the penis, including the head of the penis. In some cases, the May condition with small red blisters, bumps itching. It may also be a white discharge that smells like yeast cheese. Similar to the clinical presentation of sexually transmitted diseases, and that everyone should be this is obvious, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Clinical manifestations of oral candidiasis on the opposite side are slightly elevated, “Ricotta” blank changes in the gums, cheek lining, tongue and tonsils and the back of the neck. These are painful and may bleed if accidentally scratched with a brush. Fungal infections of the skin of the signs and symptoms include rash, itching, rash, red and painful wounds, which are sometimes accompanied by pus cracks. Systemic infections are rare.

Male candidiasis is treatable, especially if immediate attention. Typically, doctors prescribe topical antifungal creams over the counter, especially for infections of the penis. They are in the affected area twice daily for a week or two. Examples include miconazole (Monistat) and clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex). Oral preparations may also like fluconazole (Diflucan) are available. In the case of thrush, antifungal drugs are administered as tablets, pills, liquid or ointment.

But many men find the chemical methods used to treat a yeast infection can be very difficult for the body, including skin. There are very effective natural methods are used to treat fungal infections, which are very gentle on the body and often effective.


  1. Treating male yeast infection can be easy for some with less severe symptoms but others still have a harder time dealing with the outbreaks.

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