Honey has all it takes to improve your sex life. Honey when used appropriately or combined with other food items could promote growth and regeneration of body tissues and strengthen a healthy physical body. It is therefore not an overstatement that honey can improve your sex life, which include the following:
a) AS AN APHRODISIAC - Pure and unheated honey is a mild sexual stimulant naturally, since it contains numerous substances such as zinc, vitamin E, e.t.c., which promotes virility and reproductive health. A mixture of honey and grounded garlic taken regularly at bed time is an aphrodisiac that increases sexual stamina and pleasure. "Le jus 'amour" o the « love juice » is an ancient recipe made with honey, ginger and lemon. You should peel and extract the juice of 100gr. of ginger and mix that extract with water until you make a liter of juice. Leave to stand for a few hours. After that, you should squeeze the juice of 5 lemons and add to the water and ginger mixture. Add some good quality runny honey, enough to make a delicious sweet but refreshing drink. Serve very cold in long glasses. It is great first thing in the morning or as a non-alcoholic aperitif. The taste is sharp and fresh, ideal to awaken the senses.
b) SPERM BOOSTER - Honey could provide lasting remedy for people with low sperm count problem since it could boost the sperm count from level zero to fertility level of over 60 million. Regular intake of honey increases the production of sperm cells and also the quality and motility of the sperm cells. In fact honey rejuvenates the reproductive organs of both male and female sexes. Please note that to achieve the above result, you need to rid yourself of any kind of sexually transmitted disease, because the presence of STDs works against sperm production
c) WEAK ERECTION RELIEVER- Your problem of weak erection will be a thing of the past if you can cultivate the habit of taking honey mixed with boiled onion juice. Two tablespoonful of honey taken twice on a daily basis for at least a month will combat your weak erection. You can also mix honey with ginger or garlic juice and raw egg, and take a tablespoonful of it at bed time every night to improve sexual virility.
The most active honey is the pure natural honey obtained from the beehive without killing the bees and without boiling the honey or adding sugar as some people do. Honey contains all the essential nutrients that are necessary for the build up of a healthy and disease resistant body. To be sexually active and strong, you need strong blood and vitality, and honey provides instant energy and promotes the formation of red blood cells. Make honey your food supplement today and use it in place of sugar in your tea, drinks and you'll be glad you did.
Buying pure honey? Check the label. You would be amazed at how many people neglect to look closely at the label of food products before buying them, and then are dismayed to find they bought something they really didn't want. Check around the brand name, and the ingredients list (if there is one) for a mention of additives. The company should be required to list them if you are shopping in certain countries. If there are no mentions of additives, buy the honey.
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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: How is adding thickness to your penis with cadaver tissue?
P R O C E D U R E S - L E N G T H E N I N G
Penis Lengthening is available as a separate procedure for men who feel their girth is adequate, but desire to be longer. It is achieved by making a single curvilinear incision (see diagram) in the pubic region and releasing the fundiform and suspensory ligaments which attach the penis to the pubic bone. This allows approximately 1 to 2 inches of your penis, which is contained inside the body, to be advanced forward. There are no incisions on the penis. Many other doctors utilize incisions shaped like a V, Y, M, or Z (see diagram). As a rule, these incisions leave large scars (often on the penis or scrotum) and generally result in a need for revision surgery. It is not necessary to make such large traumatic cuts. These methods also artificially lower the point of attachment into the scrotum.
Your penis is not added to - This surgery allows greater flaccid length almost immediately. Erect length is gained through the use of post-operative traction (stretching) devices. In contrast to breast augmentation surgery in which the patient obtains immediate results, penis lengthening requires the consistent use of post-operative traction for 6 months in order to achieve maximum gain. surgeons’will advise you on the proper use of traction to achieve optimal results.
P R E - O P E R A T I O N
Most men are pleased with their results of an inch or more gain, but some have obtained up to 3 1/4 inches of gain in flaccid length. The most immediate gain noticed will be in the flaccid state. Erect length increases during the following months while using traction. The extent of your gain is predicated on your individual anatomy and willingness to participate in post-surgical procedures that we recommend. Some other doctors say their "special" techniques produce instant results or do not require the use of post-operative traction - untrue and physically impossible.
Beware of False Claims
Beware of doctors who claim that their patients average a 2 inch gain or that they will double in size. This is simply false.
Many other doctors also claim to use the same techniques as our surgeons - NOT TRUE! To date, our surgeons has not taught his proprietary methods and specialized skills to other doctors. Don't be misled - if you want the results that our surgeons achieves, you will have to come to our facilities. Revising and correcting the work of other doctors has taught our surgeons why certain methods used by other doctors simply cannot produce the desired results.
P R O C E D U R E S - T H I C K E N I N G
Penis Thickening is a procedure available for patients who are satisfied with their length, but feel the need for girth enhancement, or for patients who previously had the lengthening surgery only. This girth enhancement procedure is explained as part of the section on Dual and Triple Augmentation.
With Penis Thickening, the patient can expect an increase in girth of up to 1 to 2 inches in the shaft of the penis and some increase in the head (glans) of the penis. This procedure has proven to be far superior to fat injections (used by some other doctors) for increasing girth. With fat injections, the majority of the fat is often reabsorbed by the body and results in distortion and uneven areas scattered throughout the penis. our surgeons has done numerous reconstructive surgeries on men who had received fat injections. Penis Thickening is performed 6-9 months after a patient receives an individual lengthening procedure.
There are some doctors who are using Alloderm to increase penis thickness. Alloderm is cadaveric tissue (harvested from cadavers) which is placed under the skin of the penis. Because Alloderm is a foreign tissue (not from your own body), it is often rejected, leaving an unaesthetic penis. our surgeons has done many reconstructive surgeries on men who received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to its use.
P R O C E D U R E S - D U A L & T R I P L E
We work with Urologist which have developed an innovative procedure for increasing the length and thickness of the penis in one surgery for those men who have good stretched length (75% of patients). This procedure is called Dual Augmentation. Be advised that other surgeons have not achieved the consistently excellent results achieved by our doctors with this unique surgery. This has been proven time and time again by patients who have sought out our doctors for reconstructive surgery after enduring poor results at the hands of other surgeons. This procedure involves the harvesting of Dermal Grafts from the lower back or the buttocks, so the scar is not visible. This tissue is thicker and therefore results in the patient achieving optimal lengthening and thickening of the penis. The doctor then inserts the dermal strips (grafts) into each side of the penile shaft where they are carefully positioned. The patient can expect an increase in girth of 1 to 2 inches in the shaft and 1/4 to 1/2 inch in the head of the penis.
Triple Augmentation is our surgeons’s newest technique. This is where a graft is implanted into the head (glans) of the penis, increasing its size about 10-15%. This unique method combines lengthening, thickening and glans enlargement in one procedure. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure.
No surgical procedure is foolproof, and penis enlargement surgery is no exception. This surgery is still relatively new (approx. 1991). While a very high percentage of our patients express great satisfaction with the results, there are some who do not achieve the results desired with the first surgery. At the our facilities we want you to be fully informed.
P R O C E D U R E S - R E C O N S T U C T I O N
P R O C E D U R E S - R E C O N S T U C T I O N
Penis Reconstruction surgery can often be performed on men who are unhappy with their results from previous doctors. Of course, this surgery is tailored to the individual needs of each patient. However, the following explanation generally applies: Scars and bald spots are excised through the use of variously shaped incisions, and the interior tissues are gently parted to gain access to the ligaments that have often not yet been released. Scar tissue that has resulted in a loss of penis length can then be removed. Also, uneven lumps resulting from fat injections from a previous surgery can often be removed at this time. The tissues are then closed with dissolving internal sutures before repositioning hairlines and penile attachment for the best aesthetic result. The skin is handled in a manner to prevent undue tightness and is carefully closed with sutures. After several weeks (typically) the patient will begin use of recuperative traction.
Girth enhancement and refinement is generally performed 6 to 12 months after the scar revision and re-lengthening when the normal blood supply has been re-established. This results in minimal shrinkage of the Dermal Grafts, producing a more aesthetic appearance. You can see our surgeons’s complicated revisions in Case Studies at time of consultation.
F R E QU E N T L Y - A S K E D - Q U E S T I O N S
Can my penis really be surgically enlarged?
Absolutely! The true development of penis enlargement surgery has been around for 16 years. Most of the progress has been through the innovations of our specialist. They have performed over 5000 phalloplasty surgeries since he developed his technique in the U.S. You really can increase the length and thickness of your penis through surgery. Length is gained by incising the suspensory and fundiform ligaments, which attaches the unseen buried penis shaft to the pubic bone. This allows your penis to be pulled forward. Thickness is added by placing Dermal Grafts along the entire shaft of your penis. You can often gain 1 – 2 inches in both length and thickness (girth).
Absolutely! The true development of penis enlargement surgery has been around for 16 years. Most of the progress has been through the innovations of our specialist. They have performed over 5000 phalloplasty surgeries since he developed his technique in the U.S. You really can increase the length and thickness of your penis through surgery. Length is gained by incising the suspensory and fundiform ligaments, which attaches the unseen buried penis shaft to the pubic bone. This allows your penis to be pulled forward. Thickness is added by placing Dermal Grafts along the entire shaft of your penis. You can often gain 1 – 2 inches in both length and thickness (girth).
Can I have penis lengthening & penis thickening done at the same time?
Yes, in fact our most popular penis enlargement procedure is Dual Augmentation. This is where penis lengthening and thickening are combined into one penis enlargement surgery. Most men are candidates for this penis enlargement technique. It allows you to have only one visit to the operating room. You will save time, money and will not have to deal with healing multiple times from several penis enlargement procedures. However, some men may have to be done in 2 stages.
Yes, in fact our most popular penis enlargement procedure is Dual Augmentation. This is where penis lengthening and thickening are combined into one penis enlargement surgery. Most men are candidates for this penis enlargement technique. It allows you to have only one visit to the operating room. You will save time, money and will not have to deal with healing multiple times from several penis enlargement procedures. However, some men may have to be done in 2 stages.
Can the head of the penis be enlarged?
Yes, the graft can be implanted into the head (glans) of the penis, increasing its size about 10-15%. This is included in most of our surgeons “Triple Augmentation” procedures. This unique method combines lengthening, thickening and glans enlargement in one procedure. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure.
Yes, the graft can be implanted into the head (glans) of the penis, increasing its size about 10-15%. This is included in most of our surgeons “Triple Augmentation” procedures. This unique method combines lengthening, thickening and glans enlargement in one procedure. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure.
Is this a painful procedure?
Surprisingly, most patients do not require a great deal of pain medication. We can make medication available, if needed. Mild discomfort is usually experienced for 2 days post-operatively.
Surprisingly, most patients do not require a great deal of pain medication. We can make medication available, if needed. Mild discomfort is usually experienced for 2 days post-operatively.
How long does penis enlargement surgery take?
Male enhancement surgery takes from about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the penis enlargement procedure that you have chosen being Dual or Triple Augmentation, Penis Lengthening, Penis Thickening or Penis Reconstruction.
Male enhancement surgery takes from about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the penis enlargement procedure that you have chosen being Dual or Triple Augmentation, Penis Lengthening, Penis Thickening or Penis Reconstruction.
Can I have other procedures done at the same time?
Yes, a vasectomy, circumcision, corrections and pubic liposuction. Additionally, many men choose to have liposuction of their pubic fat pad at the time of their penis enlargement surgery. This can reveal added length of the penis, which is often concealed by the pubic fat. If you can squeeze a handful or more of pubic fat, you are a candidate for this procedure.
This will be an additional cost.
Yes, a vasectomy, circumcision, corrections and pubic liposuction. Additionally, many men choose to have liposuction of their pubic fat pad at the time of their penis enlargement surgery. This can reveal added length of the penis, which is often concealed by the pubic fat. If you can squeeze a handful or more of pubic fat, you are a candidate for this procedure.
This will be an additional cost.
What is the expected gain in girth or thickness from penis enlargement surgery?
For an average size penis, the expected gain is approximately 20-30% or 1 – 2 inches. This is depending also if you choose to add standard or maximum girth.
For an average size penis, the expected gain is approximately 20-30% or 1 – 2 inches. This is depending also if you choose to add standard or maximum girth.
Is it possible to augment the penis even further?
Yes, many men choose to have extra thickness at an added cost. You may want more penis thickness than possible in your first penis enlargement surgery. You may return 6-12 months after for further penis augmentation.
Yes, many men choose to have extra thickness at an added cost. You may want more penis thickness than possible in your first penis enlargement surgery. You may return 6-12 months after for further penis augmentation.
Are there allergic reactions from the tissue used during penis enlargement surgery for girth?
Our surgeons will only use Dermal Grafts, which comes from your own tissue. This tissue is harvested from either your lower back or your buttock region. This will be determined by the surgeon. This lowers the risk of complications.
Our surgeons will only use Dermal Grafts, which comes from your own tissue. This tissue is harvested from either your lower back or your buttock region. This will be determined by the surgeon. This lowers the risk of complications.
How long will I have to remain in the area after having my procedure?
We want you to remain in the area for about 3 days after penis enlargement surgery. Surgeons recommends this to ensure the best post-operative care for optimum healing. Most men feel so great the next day after surgery they want to leave after 1 day. Men who come from out of the country may be asked to stay longer.
We want you to remain in the area for about 3 days after penis enlargement surgery. Surgeons recommends this to ensure the best post-operative care for optimum healing. Most men feel so great the next day after surgery they want to leave after 1 day. Men who come from out of the country may be asked to stay longer.
Are the results permanent?
Since our surgeons developed his own techniques in 1991, the results have been impressive. New length appears to be permanent and can be increased with the use of traction. our surgeons provides all of his patients with a liaison that works with each patient to demonstrate the traction devices and provide follow-up support.
Since our surgeons developed his own techniques in 1991, the results have been impressive. New length appears to be permanent and can be increased with the use of traction. our surgeons provides all of his patients with a liaison that works with each patient to demonstrate the traction devices and provide follow-up support.
How much discomfort will I have?
Our penis lengthening, Dual & Triple Augmentation and reconstructive procedures produce little, if any, pain. Patients who come from other doctors often marvel at the lack of pain produced by our surgeries. You will have moderate, controllable discomfort for approximately 2 to 3 weeks following girth enhancement and Dual & Triple Augmentation. This becomes very minimal in the first 5 days. Each patient heals at his own rate.
Our penis lengthening, Dual & Triple Augmentation and reconstructive procedures produce little, if any, pain. Patients who come from other doctors often marvel at the lack of pain produced by our surgeries. You will have moderate, controllable discomfort for approximately 2 to 3 weeks following girth enhancement and Dual & Triple Augmentation. This becomes very minimal in the first 5 days. Each patient heals at his own rate.
Does the surgery affect my erections?
Your erections should not be affected by our penis enlargement surgical techniques. our surgeons takes great care to avoid your nerve endings during your phalloplasty plastic surgery. We have had no reports of erectile dysfunction related to our penis enlargement surgery.
Your erections should not be affected by our penis enlargement surgical techniques. our surgeons takes great care to avoid your nerve endings during your phalloplasty plastic surgery. We have had no reports of erectile dysfunction related to our penis enlargement surgery.
Is the gain noticeable only when my penis is flaccid or is the increase also noticeable when the penis is erect?
Your penis enlargement results are noticeable in both the flaccid (soft) and erect state. The results are typically more noticeable in the flaccid state than in the erect state. You can achieve dramatic penis length and thickness in both conditions. Most patients are very happy with their penis enlargement surgery results. Some men also choose extra thickness as well. Penis enlargement surgery for length and thickness, known as Dual Augmentation, can be further enhanced with tissue expanders.
Your penis enlargement results are noticeable in both the flaccid (soft) and erect state. The results are typically more noticeable in the flaccid state than in the erect state. You can achieve dramatic penis length and thickness in both conditions. Most patients are very happy with their penis enlargement surgery results. Some men also choose extra thickness as well. Penis enlargement surgery for length and thickness, known as Dual Augmentation, can be further enhanced with tissue expanders.
What men are not suitable candidates for this procedure?
Most men are candidates for penis enlargement surgery, but like any surgery it involves some risk. Patients who must use blood thinners (anti-coagulants) or who have a heart condition may not be suitable to undergo this procedure. Some patients may require medical clearance from their doctors. Patients with dark skin should be aware that there is an increased risk of keloid formation, which is an exaggerated scar. For some men, whose penis size is in the lower 20% range, the surgeon may recommend that the procedure be done in two stages. The first surgery is the penis lengthening procedure followed by girth enhancement 6 to 12 months later.
Most men are candidates for penis enlargement surgery, but like any surgery it involves some risk. Patients who must use blood thinners (anti-coagulants) or who have a heart condition may not be suitable to undergo this procedure. Some patients may require medical clearance from their doctors. Patients with dark skin should be aware that there is an increased risk of keloid formation, which is an exaggerated scar. For some men, whose penis size is in the lower 20% range, the surgeon may recommend that the procedure be done in two stages. The first surgery is the penis lengthening procedure followed by girth enhancement 6 to 12 months later.
What are the necessary pre-surgery tests?
A healthy man needs only a few tests, such as, a complete blood count, chemistry panel and clotting studies. Also, it is important to have an HIV and Hepatitis panel to rule out Hepatitis B and C, as having this could result in complications during surgery and may delay the healing process.
A healthy man needs only a few tests, such as, a complete blood count, chemistry panel and clotting studies. Also, it is important to have an HIV and Hepatitis panel to rule out Hepatitis B and C, as having this could result in complications during surgery and may delay the healing process.
What are the pre-operative steps to take before having penis enlargement surgery?
Major preparation is not required for our penis enlargement techniques. We insist that you stop smoking and do not use drugs because it can be detrimental to the circulatory function, impede healing and may cause the absorption of implanted tissue. Smokers and drug users often heal poorly and are at a higher risk of developing infections as well as other complications. our surgeons asks that you begin using tissue expanders and vacuum devices to increase the blood flow which will enlarge the penis more after surgery. This should be done 6 weeks post-operatively or when the penis heals. This helps maximize your surgical gains.
Major preparation is not required for our penis enlargement techniques. We insist that you stop smoking and do not use drugs because it can be detrimental to the circulatory function, impede healing and may cause the absorption of implanted tissue. Smokers and drug users often heal poorly and are at a higher risk of developing infections as well as other complications. our surgeons asks that you begin using tissue expanders and vacuum devices to increase the blood flow which will enlarge the penis more after surgery. This should be done 6 weeks post-operatively or when the penis heals. This helps maximize your surgical gains.
Is it necessary to shave my pubic hair before the surgery?
No, we will shave your pubic hair on the day of surgery, which reduces the risk of infection.
No, we will shave your pubic hair on the day of surgery, which reduces the risk of infection.
Do I have to change any surgical dressings?
You will have to change surgical dressings for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery for length and girth.
You will have to change surgical dressings for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery for length and girth.
How long do I have to wait to shower?
You will wait about 7-10 days to shower. During this time, the penis will be covered by a surgical dressing. During the initial post-operative period you will need to utilize 10% povidone-iodine (betadine solution) or hibiclens solution. Afterwards, you cleanse the area with pressurized saline.
You will wait about 7-10 days to shower. During this time, the penis will be covered by a surgical dressing. During the initial post-operative period you will need to utilize 10% povidone-iodine (betadine solution) or hibiclens solution. Afterwards, you cleanse the area with pressurized saline.
Is there much swelling after surgery?
In the first few days after penis enlargement surgery the penis will look swollen. Most of this will dissipate over the first few weeks. It can take 6 weeks for all the swelling to disappear.
In the first few days after penis enlargement surgery the penis will look swollen. Most of this will dissipate over the first few weeks. It can take 6 weeks for all the swelling to disappear.
Can penis enlargement surgery reduce penis sensitivity?
It is uncommon, but with any invasive procedure there is a risk of numbness or decreased sensation. What our patients often report is that after their penis enlargement surgery there is an increase in sensitivity and more intense orgasms. Due to the way this procedure is surgically done, the more distended fibers with penis lengthening magnify the transmission of the erotic stimuli and the tighter fit of the penis thickening causes increased sensation and pleasure.
It is uncommon, but with any invasive procedure there is a risk of numbness or decreased sensation. What our patients often report is that after their penis enlargement surgery there is an increase in sensitivity and more intense orgasms. Due to the way this procedure is surgically done, the more distended fibers with penis lengthening magnify the transmission of the erotic stimuli and the tighter fit of the penis thickening causes increased sensation and pleasure.
Are there any age constraints?
The usual age for this procedure is from 18 to 55 years. Exceptions for a greater age can be made depending on the patient’s general health. There are no limitations with respect to age. Patients under 18 must meet certain requirements.
The usual age for this procedure is from 18 to 55 years. Exceptions for a greater age can be made depending on the patient’s general health. There are no limitations with respect to age. Patients under 18 must meet certain requirements.
How long should I stay off from work, school or gym activities?
We recommend that you take it easy for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery. You may then return to your daily activities, provided your job does not require intense physical effort. You should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 2 weeks. This will help promote faster healing. By following this advice, you will avoid disruption of the Dermal Grafts having optimum results.
We recommend that you take it easy for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery. You may then return to your daily activities, provided your job does not require intense physical effort. You should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 2 weeks. This will help promote faster healing. By following this advice, you will avoid disruption of the Dermal Grafts having optimum results.
How long do I have to wait before having sex?
You may be tempted to take your newly enlarged penis out on a “test drive” in a few days, but we ask you to refrain per our surgeons’s recommendations. You must wait a minimum of 3 weeks after your penis lengthening procedure, and 6-8 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery for girth known as Dual Augmentation as well as Triple Augmentation. We advise you to check with our surgeons before you begin having sexual activity again. Each patient has their own healing process and we want to make sure your healing is complete.
You may be tempted to take your newly enlarged penis out on a “test drive” in a few days, but we ask you to refrain per our surgeons’s recommendations. You must wait a minimum of 3 weeks after your penis lengthening procedure, and 6-8 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery for girth known as Dual Augmentation as well as Triple Augmentation. We advise you to check with our surgeons before you begin having sexual activity again. Each patient has their own healing process and we want to make sure your healing is complete.
I have a penis implant. Can I enlarge my penis?
You can do the penis lengthening procedure, but you can not do the penis thickening procedure. This is due to the fact that these patients have a greater risk of infections, which will result in the need to remove the prosthesis.
You can do the penis lengthening procedure, but you can not do the penis thickening procedure. This is due to the fact that these patients have a greater risk of infections, which will result in the need to remove the prosthesis.
Will there be any scars after having this procedure?
Several small incisions are made during penis enlargement surgery for girth enhancement and Dual Augmentation. For penis lengthening alone, one incision is made near the base of the penis in the pubic region. This is the incision through which the suspensory and fundiform ligaments are incised. You will not be able to see this scar after your pubic hair grows back. Through this same incision the Dermal Grafts are attached to the penile shaft. Another incision is made behind the glans or head of the penis. It is through this incision that the grafts are carefully inserted into the penis along the shaft and into the glans. Both of these incisions are small and usually heal very rapidly.
Several small incisions are made during penis enlargement surgery for girth enhancement and Dual Augmentation. For penis lengthening alone, one incision is made near the base of the penis in the pubic region. This is the incision through which the suspensory and fundiform ligaments are incised. You will not be able to see this scar after your pubic hair grows back. Through this same incision the Dermal Grafts are attached to the penile shaft. Another incision is made behind the glans or head of the penis. It is through this incision that the grafts are carefully inserted into the penis along the shaft and into the glans. Both of these incisions are small and usually heal very rapidly.
Can I use condoms?
There is no restriction on the use of condoms once you are cleared to have sex again approximately 6 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. However, due to the new dimensions of your penis, you may need special sized condoms. Condoms must be utilized indefinitely if you engage in rectal sex.
There is no restriction on the use of condoms once you are cleared to have sex again approximately 6 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. However, due to the new dimensions of your penis, you may need special sized condoms. Condoms must be utilized indefinitely if you engage in rectal sex.
I’ve heard about fat injections for increasing the thickness of the penis. Do you do this?
our surgeons will not do this procedure. Fat injections involve the transfer of cleaned fat from the patient’s abdomen into the area just under the skin of the penis. With this surgical technique fat is reabsorbed by the body unevenly, leaving lumpy areas and a disfigured penis. our surgeons has done over 1,000 reconstructive surgeries of men who had received fat injections from other doctors. This procedure does not work, but surprisingly, some doctors are still performing it.
our surgeons will not do this procedure. Fat injections involve the transfer of cleaned fat from the patient’s abdomen into the area just under the skin of the penis. With this surgical technique fat is reabsorbed by the body unevenly, leaving lumpy areas and a disfigured penis. our surgeons has done over 1,000 reconstructive surgeries of men who had received fat injections from other doctors. This procedure does not work, but surprisingly, some doctors are still performing it.
What is Alloderm and what is this used for?
Alloderm or Dermal Matrix Allograft is donor tissue harvested from cadavers, which is placed under the skin of the penis to increase thickness. We will not use Alloderm in our patients due to the potential risk of an allergic reaction, which is greater with this product. Alloderm has a high absorption rate and is often rejected, leaving an unaesthetic penis. our surgeons has done major reconstructive surgeries on men who had received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to it. The company that makes this product does not recommend its use in the penis.
Alloderm or Dermal Matrix Allograft is donor tissue harvested from cadavers, which is placed under the skin of the penis to increase thickness. We will not use Alloderm in our patients due to the potential risk of an allergic reaction, which is greater with this product. Alloderm has a high absorption rate and is often rejected, leaving an unaesthetic penis. our surgeons has done major reconstructive surgeries on men who had received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to it. The company that makes this product does not recommend its use in the penis.
What will happen on the day of the surgery?
You will either drive or take a taxi to the out-patient surgi-center. We can also arrange a driver for you. There you will undergo your penis enlargement surgery. You will be given intravenous pre-medication and general anesthesia. After surgery, you will be in recovery for about an hour. At that time, you will be taken back to your hotel either by cab or limousine service. our surgeons will visit you in your hotel room if necessary. Over the next few days, you will receive follow-up care.
You will either drive or take a taxi to the out-patient surgi-center. We can also arrange a driver for you. There you will undergo your penis enlargement surgery. You will be given intravenous pre-medication and general anesthesia. After surgery, you will be in recovery for about an hour. At that time, you will be taken back to your hotel either by cab or limousine service. our surgeons will visit you in your hotel room if necessary. Over the next few days, you will receive follow-up care.
What type of anesthesia is used?
our surgeons will discuss which form anesthesia will be best for your surgery.
We offer IV sedation or general anesthesia. This will be administered by an Anesthesiologist (a Medical Doctor) or a Nurse Anesthetist. Our patients are usually up and about within 1 hour after surgery.
our surgeons will discuss which form anesthesia will be best for your surgery.
We offer IV sedation or general anesthesia. This will be administered by an Anesthesiologist (a Medical Doctor) or a Nurse Anesthetist. Our patients are usually up and about within 1 hour after surgery.
How can I assure the best results from my penis enlargement surgery?
DO NOT SMOKE, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL and DO NOT USE DRUGS! You must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use for at least 1 month prior to surgery and 6 months after penis enlargement surgery. We ask that you stop as nicotine, alcohol and drug use constricts blood flow and inhibits healing. It is important that you also limit caffeine intake 30 days prior to your penis enlargement surgery and 3 months post-operatively. You should not take aspirin or vitamin E products for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. You will begin to use tissue expanders and other penis enlargement techniques when cleared to do so after about 6-8 weeks.
DO NOT SMOKE, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL and DO NOT USE DRUGS! You must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use for at least 1 month prior to surgery and 6 months after penis enlargement surgery. We ask that you stop as nicotine, alcohol and drug use constricts blood flow and inhibits healing. It is important that you also limit caffeine intake 30 days prior to your penis enlargement surgery and 3 months post-operatively. You should not take aspirin or vitamin E products for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. You will begin to use tissue expanders and other penis enlargement techniques when cleared to do so after about 6-8 weeks.
Will having a larger penis make me a better lover?
Yes, it can. If a man feels more confident and happy about himself both physically and emotionally, he is more interested in making his partner happy. He also experiences greater personal fulfillment.
Yes, it can. If a man feels more confident and happy about himself both physically and emotionally, he is more interested in making his partner happy. He also experiences greater personal fulfillment.
Where can I obtain the traction/weight device?
We will give you this contact information in a post-operative care package. You will receive this at your pre-op appointment the day before your surgery.
We will give you this contact information in a post-operative care package. You will receive this at your pre-op appointment the day before your surgery.
What are my payment options?
We require a deposit to reserve your surgical date. This is non-refundable & will be kept until you re-schedule your surgery. You may pay the balance by cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card 2 weeks prior to your penis enlargement surgery. Financing is also available, subject to approval of credit. This procedure is elective and not covered by insurance.
We require a deposit to reserve your surgical date. This is non-refundable & will be kept until you re-schedule your surgery. You may pay the balance by cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card 2 weeks prior to your penis enlargement surgery. Financing is also available, subject to approval of credit. This procedure is elective and not covered by insurance.
What does the price of the surgery include and not include?
The price of your penis enlargement surgery covers your consultation, pre and post-operative visits, surgi-center fees and anesthesia fees. Your fee does not include the expense of your travel, hotel, transportation, labs and prescription costs. We can arrange your transportation and hotel accommodations by giving us your credit card information. Because you are our surgeons’s clients, you will receive a special discount. You buy the tissue expansion equipment separately. The price of your surgery can be privately discussed by speaking during your consultation.
The price of your penis enlargement surgery covers your consultation, pre and post-operative visits, surgi-center fees and anesthesia fees. Your fee does not include the expense of your travel, hotel, transportation, labs and prescription costs. We can arrange your transportation and hotel accommodations by giving us your credit card information. Because you are our surgeons’s clients, you will receive a special discount. You buy the tissue expansion equipment separately. The price of your surgery can be privately discussed by speaking during your consultation.
Myths, Lies and Misconceptions
In the field of penis enhancement there are many claims that are made that are without scientific merit. It is a difficult task at best for men to weed through all of these claims and know the truth. We hope that the following will help guide you in this quest.
Do male enhancement pills work?
There is no “pill,” herbal or hormonal, or medication that will produce an increase in penis size. Any hormonal “pill” could, in fact, result in an increased potential for enlarging beginning tumor or cancerous growth. A physician should carefully monitor hormonal use. If unregulated, use could compromise the function of the liver causing jaundice.
Do stretching devices permanently increase penis size?
Again, there are no respected scientific studies that corroborate this claim. It is possible in certain cases that weights alone may temporarily increase penis size. However, this temporary result is insufficient to satisfy the enlargement requirements of most men. The major benefit of these devices is when they are used post-surgically after the suspensory and fundiform ligaments are incised. They are of great value to stretch out constricted tissue following surgery and should be used primarily for that purpose.
It should also be noted that vacuum devices are promoted by photographing the results immediately after application. This totally misrepresents the long-term results.
You can expect a 3 to 4 inch gain after surgery.
While there are some cases of men with great elasticity in the connective tissue of the penis these cases are the exception. Realistically you can expect to achieve a 1 to 2 inch gain in length and girth in both the flaccid and erect state. The gain in the circumference at the base of the penis is between 1 to 2 inches while the increase in the circumference of the head is between 1/2 to 1 inch.
Can any surgeon perform Phalloplasty surgery?
Not true. A licensed, certified and highly qualified surgeon must perform this surgery. The most important decision you will make is choosing the right doctor. It is imperative that you check the credentials of the physician who is performing the surgery to insure that their qualifications are to the highest standards. Developing specific techniques takes years of commitment and experience. Remember, it is always for your welfare to verify any claims of your surgeon or his representative.
What is the right amount?
Too much Dermis at one time can also cause infections because of the lack of blood supply. Additional Dermal Grafts should be performed 6 months to one year later if the patient wants to be larger.
Are results immediate?
While the results are immediate in some respects you must realize that your commitment to insure maximum results will be 6 to 9 months. Following the physician’s instructions will insure that you achieve the kind of results you desire. Deal only with a clinic that is willing to support you after your surgery.
Most consultants have had the enlargement surgery and can give you support through a patient’s perspective. They will give you answers to any questions you may have through their knowledge and personal experience. Some of our surgeons’s patients sought his help and expertise after failed procedures with other physician’s claiming to be experts in this field.
Are You A Candidate for Penis Enlargement Surgery?
To determine whether you are a candidate for penis enlargement surgery, please take the following quiz:
1. Are you in good general health?
2. Do you have good blood flow to the penis - good erections?
3. Are you a non-smoker?
4. Do you limit your alcohol intake?
(1 glass of beer or wine per day)
5. Is your weight proportionate to your height?
6. Is your immune system functioning normally (HIV negative)?***
7. Is the primary reason for penis enlargement surgery to please yourself?
2. Do you have good blood flow to the penis - good erections?
3. Are you a non-smoker?
4. Do you limit your alcohol intake?
(1 glass of beer or wine per day)
5. Is your weight proportionate to your height?
6. Is your immune system functioning normally (HIV negative)?***
7. Is the primary reason for penis enlargement surgery to please yourself?
*** These are critical to successful surgery.
The more YES answers you have, the better candidate you are for penis enlargement surgery.resource: http://www.harboursurgical.com/MaleEnhancement.htm
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Does Kamagra work for erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a man’s issue but a concern of a couple. Sexual pleasure is a bipolar process where the satisfaction of both the poles (the partners) is utterly necessary. With a problem like Erectile Dysfunction, none of the partners can gain any extent of pleasure. ED is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
But it’s high time ED worried men. The year long research of the scientists paid off finally. Now there is an availability of numerous pills that can be used as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, no matter how severe the condition is or also how long any one has been suffering from the same.
ED is caused when there is lack of blood supply to penile area even during sexual stimulation. As a result, there is no penis erection or it is very short-lived. However, in case of a normal man, the flow of blood increases towards penile area during a sexual act, which leads to hard and satisfactory erection. Fortunately, as the medical advancement has become too broad, Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence can be treated and a healthy sexual relationship can be maintained.
Kamagra is such a pill that has appeared as a blessing for the ED patients. Having Sildenafil Citrate as the active ingredient, Kamagra works just like wonder on ED patients. Now with Kamagra, ED can no longer make couples get deprived of sexual pleasure.
Kamagra helps men suffering from ED respond to sexual stimulation. An erection is caused when arteries in the penis relax and widen causing more blood to flow into the penis resulting in an erection. Kamagra increases the blood flow to the penis allowing a man to get and maintain an erection whilst he is sexually aroused.
Since Kamagra enhances and maintains an erection, sexual stimulus and arousal is required for the drug to take effect. Using kamagra, a man can respond to sexual stimulation during a sexual encounter and once it is over, the erection goes away.
Kamagra is the most preferred alternative to Viagra. Nowadays more and more people buy this medication as it is cheaper than Viagra and Levitra at the same time being as effective as them.
Kamagra, the magical pill, has been tested for its effectiveness on millions of ED patients and the result is almost 100% positive. One thing to be remembered is that Kamagra is not an over-the-counter drug. So consultation with a doctor before taking the pill is highly recommended.
Kamagra responds only to sexual stimulation to make a man achieve and keep a hard erection during an intercourse. It is to be taken at least half an hour prior to sexual act. It remains effective for four to six hours.
Persons with heart problems, diabetes, allergy, hypertension and blood pressure should seek medical advice prior to its use and should see doctor immediately if Kamagra is taken by mistake.
Nowadays it is quite commonly visible that problems like Impotence are deteriorating the sex life of more than 65 percent of men very badly today. Literally, Impotence can turn one’s life into hell. Every man suffers from erection problem on some occasion in his life, not necessarily due to a physical problem but may be because of psychological reasons like stress or anxiousness. Earlier ED was handled as a psychological problem but nowadays more people are having sexual disorders due to physical problems.
However, one should not get worried about the cause for which he is suffering for the condition. Kamagra delivers at any condition. All that one need is to follow the instructions of his doctor to get the best out of the pill.
resource: http://www.excelano.org/index.php/health/kamagra-delivers-for-ed-patients/
But it’s high time ED worried men. The year long research of the scientists paid off finally. Now there is an availability of numerous pills that can be used as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, no matter how severe the condition is or also how long any one has been suffering from the same.
ED is caused when there is lack of blood supply to penile area even during sexual stimulation. As a result, there is no penis erection or it is very short-lived. However, in case of a normal man, the flow of blood increases towards penile area during a sexual act, which leads to hard and satisfactory erection. Fortunately, as the medical advancement has become too broad, Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence can be treated and a healthy sexual relationship can be maintained.
Kamagra is such a pill that has appeared as a blessing for the ED patients. Having Sildenafil Citrate as the active ingredient, Kamagra works just like wonder on ED patients. Now with Kamagra, ED can no longer make couples get deprived of sexual pleasure.
Kamagra helps men suffering from ED respond to sexual stimulation. An erection is caused when arteries in the penis relax and widen causing more blood to flow into the penis resulting in an erection. Kamagra increases the blood flow to the penis allowing a man to get and maintain an erection whilst he is sexually aroused.
Since Kamagra enhances and maintains an erection, sexual stimulus and arousal is required for the drug to take effect. Using kamagra, a man can respond to sexual stimulation during a sexual encounter and once it is over, the erection goes away.
Kamagra is the most preferred alternative to Viagra. Nowadays more and more people buy this medication as it is cheaper than Viagra and Levitra at the same time being as effective as them.
Kamagra, the magical pill, has been tested for its effectiveness on millions of ED patients and the result is almost 100% positive. One thing to be remembered is that Kamagra is not an over-the-counter drug. So consultation with a doctor before taking the pill is highly recommended.
Kamagra responds only to sexual stimulation to make a man achieve and keep a hard erection during an intercourse. It is to be taken at least half an hour prior to sexual act. It remains effective for four to six hours.
Persons with heart problems, diabetes, allergy, hypertension and blood pressure should seek medical advice prior to its use and should see doctor immediately if Kamagra is taken by mistake.
Nowadays it is quite commonly visible that problems like Impotence are deteriorating the sex life of more than 65 percent of men very badly today. Literally, Impotence can turn one’s life into hell. Every man suffers from erection problem on some occasion in his life, not necessarily due to a physical problem but may be because of psychological reasons like stress or anxiousness. Earlier ED was handled as a psychological problem but nowadays more people are having sexual disorders due to physical problems.
However, one should not get worried about the cause for which he is suffering for the condition. Kamagra delivers at any condition. All that one need is to follow the instructions of his doctor to get the best out of the pill.
resource: http://www.excelano.org/index.php/health/kamagra-delivers-for-ed-patients/
Plastic Surgery for Men
Laser lipolysis also known as SmartLipo for man boobs or Gynecomastia
Quick alternative treatment for gynecomastia or “man boobs” is a laser treatment that lasts only thirty minutes.
Laser lipolsis is an in-clinic alternative to surgical liposuction that is performed under a local anaesthetic. A small incision is made on either side of the chest and a surgical tube with a blunt needle is inserted to vacuum out the fat.
Simultaneously a laser breaks up the fat cells for easy removal and tightens up the skin. This procedure is best suited for men that have stubborn pockets of fat that will not go away with normal diet and exercise. It is also effective to remove fat in and around the neck, face, chin, upper arms, back, hips, knees, tummy, ankles, inner and outer thighs. If additional areas are treated than it can take between 30 minutes to two hours. The patient feel an uncomfortable tugging at the area during the procedure and will be subject to brusing and swelling that will disapate within a week.
Recovery lasts a day or two and it is recommended to take at least a day off work as patients experience soreness after treatment. A surgical body stocking is worn for a week and limit heavy lifting or exercise for at least ten days. The reduction in “man boobs” is usually permanent. Complete effects of the treatment can be seen in around three to six months. Although costs for SmartLipo vary depending on the size of the area to be treated; you can usually expect to pay approximately $1,700 to $4,500 per area treated. Costs of SmartLipo will also vary according to the doctor or clinic performing the procedure.
As with any plastic surgery procedure it is important to find an experienced, skilled surgeon to achieve optimum results. This will help avoid risks and complications throughout the treatment procedure. In addition, discuss your needs and expectations prior to your procedure with the doctor.
Vaser Hi Def Liposculpture for Abs or Pecs
Vaser Hi Def Liposuction creates a more natural muscular appearance to the human form by using deep, superficial and transforming liposculpture techniques to specific areas such as abs, arms, chest etc. This procedure actually transfers the fat from one area to another to create a more athletic, muscular appearance.
Vaser Hi Def is a tumescent technique a super-wet method used with ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL) that has proven to help plastic surgeons provide patients with more precise results and quicker recovery time due to its improved ability to select what it resects and most importantly that it leaves behind much of the connective tissue, nerve and vascular tissue.
The procedure is intended for generally fit men who have good muscle tone without excessive amounts of fat or excess skin. The typical patient maintains a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, but is unable to achieve the desired definition. Many patients report that they see results immediately after the procedure with the final result at around 3 to 6 months. It is important that you establish realistic expectations through discussion with your doctor.
Cost definitely varies from as low as $1600.00 for upper/lower Abs in Tennessee to $12,000 for Abs and chest in New York City. Definitely do your homework when it comes to this procedure as I have found on realself.com the reviews on not only tell us how much and where people went, but if they were happy with the results.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Male Enhancement Surgery – 7 Types for the Procedure and 6 Reasons on Who Can Use Them
hbbase.com -Phalloplasty is the shortened word for the medical term known as male enhancement surgery. This is the procedure that is often being used to improve the size as well as the shape of the penis in a more permanent manner. Want to know how effective this procedure is?
In order to know how effective male enhancement surgery is, you must know first about several facts about it. For one, you should look into the different types of surgeries you may opt for. Next, you must understand the techniques behind it.
Types of Male Sexual Enhancement Surgery
Male enhancement surgery is actually available in several types. There are actually seven of them and these are:
The lengthening technique works by releasing the ligament that holds the penis. This is done to allow the penis extension. After surgery, the penis which was once limp begins to look bigger in size. A scar may actually be seen after surgery that in some cases may start to cause tissue contraction. This effect can be controlled by doing some counterweight to make sure it is completely healed. This kind of surgery is safe even if the scars may be seen during the first few days.
Thickening, of the penis on the other hand, is done by filling the penis with the patient’s own fatty tissue. This is also often called as Free Fat Transfer (FFT) or in other terms Lipo sculpture. This fat tissue will then be injected under the penis to make it form the same shape. The penis’s skin will then appear to be thicker. Scar is not that rampant in this male enhancement surgery.
Another method of increasing the girth of the penis is by Dermal Grafts and Tissue Implants. This is through using grafted subcutaneous tissues from a body part to be implanted on the penis. The surgeon will peel off the epidermis of the skin where the graft comes from and place it on the penis’s shaft that requires expansion. There are instances when collagen grafts are preferred. This is taken from a thoroughly-cleansed cadaver body. Many surgeons registered in the AAPS vouched for the success of this procedure.
Who Can Undergo Male Enhancement Surgery?
The American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons (AAPS) have regular annual meeting to discuss new methods in surgical male enhancement. Their topics are about implants, new surgical techniques and methods. As of today, majority of Phalloplasty procedures are performed by board-certified members of the AAPS. AAPS dictates that the indications for appropriate male enhancement surgery are the following:
In order to know how effective male enhancement surgery is, you must know first about several facts about it. For one, you should look into the different types of surgeries you may opt for. Next, you must understand the techniques behind it.
Male Enhancement Surgery
Male enhancement surgery is actually available in several types. There are actually seven of them and these are:
- Penis Lengthening or improving the length of the penis.
- Penis widening or enhancing the width of the penis only and not its length.
- Girth Enhancement which is supposed to be used in order to improve the cinch.
- Penile Implants which is done in order to add more size to the penis.
- Penile Reconstruction if your penis needs not only improvement on the length and size but some other important changes as well.
- Curvature Correction, also for the penis, helps improve how your penis erects.
- Sexual and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment which should be used if you have problems in the performance of your male reproductive organ.
The lengthening technique works by releasing the ligament that holds the penis. This is done to allow the penis extension. After surgery, the penis which was once limp begins to look bigger in size. A scar may actually be seen after surgery that in some cases may start to cause tissue contraction. This effect can be controlled by doing some counterweight to make sure it is completely healed. This kind of surgery is safe even if the scars may be seen during the first few days.
Thickening, of the penis on the other hand, is done by filling the penis with the patient’s own fatty tissue. This is also often called as Free Fat Transfer (FFT) or in other terms Lipo sculpture. This fat tissue will then be injected under the penis to make it form the same shape. The penis’s skin will then appear to be thicker. Scar is not that rampant in this male enhancement surgery.
Another method of increasing the girth of the penis is by Dermal Grafts and Tissue Implants. This is through using grafted subcutaneous tissues from a body part to be implanted on the penis. The surgeon will peel off the epidermis of the skin where the graft comes from and place it on the penis’s shaft that requires expansion. There are instances when collagen grafts are preferred. This is taken from a thoroughly-cleansed cadaver body. Many surgeons registered in the AAPS vouched for the success of this procedure.
Who Can Undergo Male Enhancement Surgery?
The American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons (AAPS) have regular annual meeting to discuss new methods in surgical male enhancement. Their topics are about implants, new surgical techniques and methods. As of today, majority of Phalloplasty procedures are performed by board-certified members of the AAPS. AAPS dictates that the indications for appropriate male enhancement surgery are the following:
- Medical Functionality – this is appropriate for men with penises of less than 10cm in length and 9cm in girth which affects the capability of the male to produce. This surgical method is usually covered by insurance.
- Genetic Malformation – in here micro penis is indicated. If you have insurance, it can cover for these costs.
- Psychological or Aesthetic Need – this depends on the individual needs and cost of the surgery is handled by the patient.
- Men with small penis.
- Weight lifters and competitive body builders.
- Men who feel uncomfortable exposing their penis in shower rooms.
- Men who have partners who prefer larger penis.
- Men who feel that larger penis would enhance their desirability as a sexual partner.
- Men whose jobs are being influenced by their penis size like actors, models and dancers.
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD How to Live Longer?
Five Ways to Live Longer
Men's Health Magazine Expert Offers Tips to Help You Lengthen Your Life
(CBS) The average American is expected to live to 78.
But we can take steps to boost our longevity.
On "The Early Show", Men's Health magazine Senior Associate Editor Joel Weber showed us how we can add years to our lives.
He says it appears we're succeeding at living longer, stronger and happier lives: Centenarians (people who hit 100) are one of the most rapidly growing segments of the U.S. population, according to the National Institute on Aging. The number of centenarians is growing at a rate of 4.1 percent per year; the numbers increased 51 percent between 1990 and 2000.
The five keys to sticking around longer:
Eat Your Vegetables, and Raw
Italian researchers have found that eating as little as one cup of raw vegetables daily can add two years to your life. Why raw? Cooking can deplete up to 30 percent of the antioxidants in vegetables. That said, sautéing, steaming, or blanching them is far better than not eating them at all. If you consume more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, you have a 26 percent lower risk of stroke than people who eat fewer than three servings, according to one British study. Try to eat as many different colors of vegetables as you can, and keep in mind that darker greens tend to contain the most vitamins and nutrients. Spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and collard greens are all excellent choices. When making salads, experiment with flavorful greens that you're not too familiar with -- watercress, for instance, which has a peppery kick. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating three ounces of watercress every day increases levels of the cancer-fighting antioxidants lutein and betacarotene by 100 and 33 percent, respectively. Just go easy on the salad dressings, which tend to be high in calories and sodium. For a healthy, easy-to-make DIY dressing, mix two parts extra-virgin olive oil with one part balsamic vinegar, and then add salt and pepper to taste.
Crack Some Shells
When Loma Linda University researchers tracked the lifestyle habits of 34,000 Seventh-Day Adventists -- a population famous for its longevity -- they discovered that those who munched nuts five days a week earned an extra 2.9 years on the planet. Not surprisingly, nuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can have. High in monounsaturated fats and protein, they help keep your arteries clean and your stomach feeling full. Eat two handfuls a day as snacks betweens meals. Almonds are especially good for their high doses of vitamin E and magnesium, but walnuts are a good alternative because they contain more heart-healthy omega-3s and pack half as much protein as chicken. Or you can opt for Planters NUT-rition Heart Healthy Mix, which contains six key nuts, including almonds and walnuts. Just remember to always opt for raw, unsalted nuts. Smoking and salting increases the sodium content, which can have a negative impact on your blood pressure. Be especially wary of macadamia nuts. Though a great source of monounsaturated fats, they're often covered in salt.
Check Your Belly
The fat you carry today could kill you tomorrow. University of Alabama researchers discovered that maintaining a body-mass index of 25 to 35 can shorten your life by up to three years. BMI is a simple calculation of a person's weight-to-height ratio that doctors often use to determine a person's health risk. According to the National Institute of Health, a BMI of 19-24.9 is normal, 25-29.9 is overweight, and 30 or greater is obese. Excess body fat raises your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and colon cancer and, unfortunately, the bad news doesn't even end there. As a man's waist size goes up, his testosterone goes down. In one landmark 2007 study, men with a 5-point increase in BMI -- about 30 extra pounds on a 5'10" guy -- had testosterone levels comparable to men who were a full decade older. Women need to watch their BMI, too. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that nearly a third of young women with a normal BMI still carry excessive body fat. Research also suggests that gaining more than 20 pounds from age 18 to midlife doubles the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer. Calculate your BMI using an online calculator. To improve your score, try circuit training-a conditioning technique that combines the best aspects of strength training and cardio into a single activity by having you move from one weightlifting station to the next without rest. Then persuade your significant other to join. A Duke University study showed that sedentary people are 50 percent more likely to work out three times a week if their partners participate.
Invite Your Friends Over
Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells more quickly -- ultimately shortening life-spans -- but friendships can act as a buffer against stresses of everyday life. When Australian researchers looked at seventy-somethings, for instance, they found that those with the largest network of friends had the longest lease on life. For the average person, this could add up to seven additional years. But acquaintances aren't friends: You need people you can openly confide in. In a survey conducted jointly by Duke University and the University of Arizona, however, sociologists learned that women today report having an average of only two close confidants, down from three in 1985; nearly a quarter of the women surveyed reported having no one at all in whom they could confide. So say "hello" to the neighbor you've never, invite your closest friends over for game night, and then maintain rituals, whether it's as simple as a weekly Sunday night phone call or a yearly stay in a beach villa.
Find a Happy Place
In a Yale University study of older adults, people with a positive outlook on the aging process lived more than seven years longer than those who felt doomed to deteriorating mental and physical health. If you're outlook has some room for improvement, give back to your community by volunteering or mentoring-selfless actions that distract from unhealthy obsessing, according to studies. In addition to helping others, don't forget to care for yourself. Make yourself happy by doing the activities you enjoy most-whether it's going to the spa for a facial, drinking green tea (which is loaded with antioxidants in the evening), or hitting the links. Golf even has a life-extending effect, according to a Scandinavian study, because it engages people in a stress-reducing social activity, gets them outside for several hours, and makes them walk the equivalent of four miles.
Men's Health Magazine Expert Offers Tips to Help You Lengthen Your Life
(CBS) The average American is expected to live to 78.
But we can take steps to boost our longevity.
On "The Early Show", Men's Health magazine Senior Associate Editor Joel Weber showed us how we can add years to our lives.
He says it appears we're succeeding at living longer, stronger and happier lives: Centenarians (people who hit 100) are one of the most rapidly growing segments of the U.S. population, according to the National Institute on Aging. The number of centenarians is growing at a rate of 4.1 percent per year; the numbers increased 51 percent between 1990 and 2000.
The five keys to sticking around longer:
Eat Your Vegetables, and Raw
Italian researchers have found that eating as little as one cup of raw vegetables daily can add two years to your life. Why raw? Cooking can deplete up to 30 percent of the antioxidants in vegetables. That said, sautéing, steaming, or blanching them is far better than not eating them at all. If you consume more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, you have a 26 percent lower risk of stroke than people who eat fewer than three servings, according to one British study. Try to eat as many different colors of vegetables as you can, and keep in mind that darker greens tend to contain the most vitamins and nutrients. Spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and collard greens are all excellent choices. When making salads, experiment with flavorful greens that you're not too familiar with -- watercress, for instance, which has a peppery kick. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating three ounces of watercress every day increases levels of the cancer-fighting antioxidants lutein and betacarotene by 100 and 33 percent, respectively. Just go easy on the salad dressings, which tend to be high in calories and sodium. For a healthy, easy-to-make DIY dressing, mix two parts extra-virgin olive oil with one part balsamic vinegar, and then add salt and pepper to taste.
Crack Some Shells
When Loma Linda University researchers tracked the lifestyle habits of 34,000 Seventh-Day Adventists -- a population famous for its longevity -- they discovered that those who munched nuts five days a week earned an extra 2.9 years on the planet. Not surprisingly, nuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can have. High in monounsaturated fats and protein, they help keep your arteries clean and your stomach feeling full. Eat two handfuls a day as snacks betweens meals. Almonds are especially good for their high doses of vitamin E and magnesium, but walnuts are a good alternative because they contain more heart-healthy omega-3s and pack half as much protein as chicken. Or you can opt for Planters NUT-rition Heart Healthy Mix, which contains six key nuts, including almonds and walnuts. Just remember to always opt for raw, unsalted nuts. Smoking and salting increases the sodium content, which can have a negative impact on your blood pressure. Be especially wary of macadamia nuts. Though a great source of monounsaturated fats, they're often covered in salt.
Check Your Belly
The fat you carry today could kill you tomorrow. University of Alabama researchers discovered that maintaining a body-mass index of 25 to 35 can shorten your life by up to three years. BMI is a simple calculation of a person's weight-to-height ratio that doctors often use to determine a person's health risk. According to the National Institute of Health, a BMI of 19-24.9 is normal, 25-29.9 is overweight, and 30 or greater is obese. Excess body fat raises your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and colon cancer and, unfortunately, the bad news doesn't even end there. As a man's waist size goes up, his testosterone goes down. In one landmark 2007 study, men with a 5-point increase in BMI -- about 30 extra pounds on a 5'10" guy -- had testosterone levels comparable to men who were a full decade older. Women need to watch their BMI, too. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that nearly a third of young women with a normal BMI still carry excessive body fat. Research also suggests that gaining more than 20 pounds from age 18 to midlife doubles the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer. Calculate your BMI using an online calculator. To improve your score, try circuit training-a conditioning technique that combines the best aspects of strength training and cardio into a single activity by having you move from one weightlifting station to the next without rest. Then persuade your significant other to join. A Duke University study showed that sedentary people are 50 percent more likely to work out three times a week if their partners participate.
Invite Your Friends Over
Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells more quickly -- ultimately shortening life-spans -- but friendships can act as a buffer against stresses of everyday life. When Australian researchers looked at seventy-somethings, for instance, they found that those with the largest network of friends had the longest lease on life. For the average person, this could add up to seven additional years. But acquaintances aren't friends: You need people you can openly confide in. In a survey conducted jointly by Duke University and the University of Arizona, however, sociologists learned that women today report having an average of only two close confidants, down from three in 1985; nearly a quarter of the women surveyed reported having no one at all in whom they could confide. So say "hello" to the neighbor you've never, invite your closest friends over for game night, and then maintain rituals, whether it's as simple as a weekly Sunday night phone call or a yearly stay in a beach villa.
Find a Happy Place
In a Yale University study of older adults, people with a positive outlook on the aging process lived more than seven years longer than those who felt doomed to deteriorating mental and physical health. If you're outlook has some room for improvement, give back to your community by volunteering or mentoring-selfless actions that distract from unhealthy obsessing, according to studies. In addition to helping others, don't forget to care for yourself. Make yourself happy by doing the activities you enjoy most-whether it's going to the spa for a facial, drinking green tea (which is loaded with antioxidants in the evening), or hitting the links. Golf even has a life-extending effect, according to a Scandinavian study, because it engages people in a stress-reducing social activity, gets them outside for several hours, and makes them walk the equivalent of four miles.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Ginseng or ginkgo which is better for ed?
This article does talk about the use and side effects of ginseng and ginkgo for ed, but also talks about the use and risks with the supplemental herb, Yohimbine. Personally I used Yohimbine for a couple months and it made my erection harder and I could last longer. My then girlfriend told me to stop taking it...lol Here is the article....
Natural Remedies
Yohimbine (Yocon, Yohimex) is derived from an herbal remedy. It appears to boost erectile function by improving blood flow. Studies have been inconclusive about its benefits, but a recent analysis of seven trials reported that between 34% and 75% of men achieved favorable results when taking 5 mg to 10 mg. The American Urologic Association does not recommend yohimbine for treating impotence, although some experts believe it is an inexpensive and reasonable option for some men. Yohimbine is available over the counter as an herbal remedy. It is not government regulated and brands vary in effectiveness and quality.Side effects include nausea, insomnia, nervousness, and dizziness. Large doses of yohimbine can increase blood pressure and heart rate. One death has been reported from taking tablets of the standard dosage (5.4 mg). More rigorous studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness, and men suffering from anxiety or hypertension are cautioned against its use. To boost success rates, one study indicated that adding L-arginine, an amino acid, may be helpful.
Other Alternative Agents
Many alternative agents are marketed for impotence. Examples include the following:- The Asian herbal remedies, gingko and ginseng, have been used to stimulate sexual function, although studies on these agents have been small and have had mixed results. One small study reported good results with Argin-Max, which contains a mix of vitamins and natural substances (L-arginine, ginseng, ginkgo). L- arginine, an amino acid, increases production of nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessels and promotes erections. Gingko, ginseng, and l-arginine can all have side effects, and the products containing them are not regulated.
- Many others are marketed for this condition. Very few have been studied and some can be harmful.
Warnings on Alternative Remedies Used for Erectile Dysfunction
Alternative or natural remedies are not regulated and their quality is not publicly controlled. In addition, any substance that can affect the bodys chemistry can, like any drug, produce side effects that may be harmful. There have been a number of reported cases of serious and even lethal side effects from so-called natural products.Some so-called natural remedies have been found to contain standard prescription medication. Most reported problems occur in herbal remedies imported from Asia, with one study reporting a significant percentage of such remedies containing toxic metals. Even if studies report positive benefits, most, to date, are very small. In addition, the substances used in such studies are, in most cases, not what are being marketed to the public.
The following website is building a database of natural remedy brands that it tests and rates. Not all are yet available (www.consumerlab.com).
The Food and Drug Administration has a program called MEDWATCH for people to report adverse reactions to untested substances, such as herbal remedies and vitamins (800-332-1088).
The following are some alternative remedies used for erectile dysfunction.
Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL). GBL is found in products marketed for improving sexual function (Verve, Jolt). This substance can convert to a chemical that can cause toxic and life-threatening effects, including seizures and even coma.
Ginseng. Ginseng has hormonal qualities and should not be used with estrogen. It has also been associated with a hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and a higher risk for uterine bleeding. It may produce manic episodes, particularly in people on antidepressants. Of note, a great number of ginseng products have been found to contain little or no ginseng. Of particular concern are reports of pesticide and other toxic contaminants in many ginseng products. In one analysis, only nine out of 22 brands did not contain major contaminants. Among the brands that did not contain contaminants were Celestial Seasoning, Centrum, Ginsana, Walgreen's, and Root to Health American Ginseng.
Gingko. Although the risks for gingko appear to be low, there is an increased risk for bleeding at high doses and interaction with high doses of vitamin E, anti-clotting medications, aspirin, or other NSAIDs. Large doses have also been known to cause convulsion. Commercial gingko preparations have also been reported to contain colchicine, an agent that can be harmful in pregnant women and people with kidney or liver problems. It should be further noted that in a 2002 study one-third of 26 brands tested did not contain enough active ingredients to provide any effects at all.
L- arginine (also called arginine). Arginine may cause gastrointestinal problems. It can also lower blood pressure and change levels of certain chemicals and electrolytes in the body. It may increase the risk for bleeding. Some people have an allergic reaction to it, which in same cases may be severe. It may worsen asthma.
Aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are substances that are supposed to increase sexual drive, performance, or desire. Some examples include the following:
- Viramax is a well-marketed product that contains yohimbine and three herbal aphrodisiacs: catuaba, muira puama, and maca. It has not been proven to be either effective or safe, and interactions with medications are unknown.
- Spanish fly, or cantharides, which is made from dried beetles, is the most widely-touted aphrodisiac but can be particularly harmful. It irritates the urinary and genital tract and can cause infection, scarring, and burning of the mouth and throat. In some cases, it can be life threatening. No one should try any aphrodisiac without consulting a physician.
resource: http://adam.about.com/reports/000015_11.htm
Product Description
This dietary supplement is designed to promote fat loss, suppress appetite, and maximize sex drive. HPLC tested for potency and purity. It can lead to increased fat loss especially in trouble areas, such as the midsection and love handles for men and glut....ADDED PLUS LOSE WEIGHT
Monday, January 25, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Is a 53 year old woman too old for a 39 year old man?
Yes, I know this question was asked by a woman, but I know there are some guys out there dating an older women and wondering if you are doing the right thing. What is your opinion? If you are, is it working for you?
Dear Dr. V,
My boyfriend and I have been together for eight months. He makes me laugh, smile and feel young and sexy. I haven’t felt this alive in 20 years and our sex life is fantastic! He’s 39 and I’m 53.
He tells me over and over how much he loves me and wants to be with me. But I think about our age difference; he gets upset when I mention it.
Plus, he’s very fit and I’moverweight . He doesn’t see that either. I know love is blind, but it’s hard for me to wrap my brain around this. Do I count my blessings, relax and give my heart to this man? Or should I listen to the voice that says he’s too young?
- Janelle J.
Dear Janelle,
I certainly understand why you question your situation. But maybe your doubts aren’t because of external factors – age and physical appearance – but your internal processes.
It sounds like you don’t think you deserve this man, or that you don’t deserve to be happy. And, of course, the opposite is true.
Though he’s younger than you, someone who’s nearly 40 probably will have a more refined emotional maturity than someone 15 or even 10 years younger. This man is well into adulthood and has learned through previous relationships what he does and does not want.
You may also be subconsciously protecting yourself from potential hurt by dwelling on these doubts. Fear of rejection stems from our cave-person instinct for self-preservation. You may be thinking: If my mate rejects me, I’ll have no home, no food and I will die alone in the wilderness.
But it sounds like you have a loving, devoted partner. It may feel risky, even frightening, to open yourself to this relationship, but ultimately you owe it to yourself: Take this chance at realizing your full potential of love and happiness.
resource: Lifescripts Dr. V
Dear Dr. V,
My boyfriend and I have been together for eight months. He makes me laugh, smile and feel young and sexy. I haven’t felt this alive in 20 years and our sex life is fantastic! He’s 39 and I’m 53.
He tells me over and over how much he loves me and wants to be with me. But I think about our age difference; he gets upset when I mention it.
Plus, he’s very fit and I’m
- Janelle J.
Dear Janelle,
I certainly understand why you question your situation. But maybe your doubts aren’t because of external factors – age and physical appearance – but your internal processes.
It sounds like you don’t think you deserve this man, or that you don’t deserve to be happy. And, of course, the opposite is true.
Though he’s younger than you, someone who’s nearly 40 probably will have a more refined emotional maturity than someone 15 or even 10 years younger. This man is well into adulthood and has learned through previous relationships what he does and does not want.
You may also be subconsciously protecting yourself from potential hurt by dwelling on these doubts. Fear of rejection stems from our cave-person instinct for self-preservation. You may be thinking: If my mate rejects me, I’ll have no home, no food and I will die alone in the wilderness.
But it sounds like you have a loving, devoted partner. It may feel risky, even frightening, to open yourself to this relationship, but ultimately you owe it to yourself: Take this chance at realizing your full potential of love and happiness.
resource: Lifescripts Dr. V
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Catuaba Bark Extract – Sex Enhancer Or Natural Sleep Herb?
There are many benefits you can derive from drinking tea made from catuaba bark extract. Although it is most praised for its abilities as an aphrodisiac, it may also b helpful as a natural sleep herb. Though you don’t usually think of sleep aid herbs as being able to help with sexual dysfunction, there is some evidence to support that theory with this herb.
A Brief History
The benefits of drinking tea made from catuaba bark extract are not new to South Americans. In fact, they have praised it for many generations not as a natural sleep herb but as an aphrodisiac. It tends to cause confusion when you look at these sleep aid herbs and wonder how it is possible for them to perform two completely different functions. It become really confusing when you consider that this herb is a stimulant rather than a depressant, thus is should be allowing you to stay awake rather than sleep.
These herbs for sleep are native to the Amazon jungle in Brazil. The tree is medium in size and has a flowery leafy appearance. Although it is related to the coca plant, it fails to possess alkaloids you find in cocaine. The tree from which catuaba bark extract comes has a very thick and knotty truck with an above-ground root system. The orange and yellow flowers on the trees produce small fruits that are not edible.
Some of the components of this natural sleep herb include bitter substance, alkaloids, tannins, aromatic oils, fatty resins and phytosterols just to name a few. Although one does not think of sleep aid herbs as sexual stimulants, catuaba has the reputation of being a natural sex enhancer. Although the information is legendary, many of the Brazilian states feel it is responsible for any male offspring born after the father reaches the age of 60.
Health Benefits
Although catuaba bark extract is better known as a sexual enhancer, some evidence also suggests it is a natural sleep herb as well. Among the benefits that you may receive of catuaba tea, you will find the following:
* May increase libido. It may also cause the commencement of sexual dreams that will intensify a person’s interest in sex.
* May help treat prostatis and sexual dysfunction
* May help with HIV treatment
* May have an effect on calming the nervous system
* May have memory enhancing properties
* Some evidence exists to promote these plants as sleep aid herbs
* May improve your mood
How many of the above benefits are supported by fact is unknown at this time thus documentation states there is a possibility rather than actual fact. In addition the effect of these herbs on an individual will vary based on many different factors including age, condition of health, stability of the immune system and other important factors. That doesn’t mean you should not attempt to use catuaba for sleep enhancement because it may very well provide the results you need. Take caffeine for example: some people can drink anything with caffeine after a certain time a day while others can do it right before bed and it actually helps them relax.
Although catuaba bark extract is most famous for its role as a sexual enhancer there is also evidence to suggest it may also work as a natural sleep herb as well. Always keep in mind that sleep aid herbs do not work the same way on everyone just as sleeping pills work differently for different people. If you keep that in mind when you drink catuaba tea, you will be able to reap all the benefits it provides.
resource: http://www.healthpress.us/catuaba-bark-extract-sex-enhancer-or-natural-sleep-herb/
A Brief History
The benefits of drinking tea made from catuaba bark extract are not new to South Americans. In fact, they have praised it for many generations not as a natural sleep herb but as an aphrodisiac. It tends to cause confusion when you look at these sleep aid herbs and wonder how it is possible for them to perform two completely different functions. It become really confusing when you consider that this herb is a stimulant rather than a depressant, thus is should be allowing you to stay awake rather than sleep.
These herbs for sleep are native to the Amazon jungle in Brazil. The tree is medium in size and has a flowery leafy appearance. Although it is related to the coca plant, it fails to possess alkaloids you find in cocaine. The tree from which catuaba bark extract comes has a very thick and knotty truck with an above-ground root system. The orange and yellow flowers on the trees produce small fruits that are not edible.
Some of the components of this natural sleep herb include bitter substance, alkaloids, tannins, aromatic oils, fatty resins and phytosterols just to name a few. Although one does not think of sleep aid herbs as sexual stimulants, catuaba has the reputation of being a natural sex enhancer. Although the information is legendary, many of the Brazilian states feel it is responsible for any male offspring born after the father reaches the age of 60.
Health Benefits
Although catuaba bark extract is better known as a sexual enhancer, some evidence also suggests it is a natural sleep herb as well. Among the benefits that you may receive of catuaba tea, you will find the following:
* May increase libido. It may also cause the commencement of sexual dreams that will intensify a person’s interest in sex.
* May help treat prostatis and sexual dysfunction
* May help with HIV treatment
* May have an effect on calming the nervous system
* May have memory enhancing properties
* Some evidence exists to promote these plants as sleep aid herbs
* May improve your mood
How many of the above benefits are supported by fact is unknown at this time thus documentation states there is a possibility rather than actual fact. In addition the effect of these herbs on an individual will vary based on many different factors including age, condition of health, stability of the immune system and other important factors. That doesn’t mean you should not attempt to use catuaba for sleep enhancement because it may very well provide the results you need. Take caffeine for example: some people can drink anything with caffeine after a certain time a day while others can do it right before bed and it actually helps them relax.
Although catuaba bark extract is most famous for its role as a sexual enhancer there is also evidence to suggest it may also work as a natural sleep herb as well. Always keep in mind that sleep aid herbs do not work the same way on everyone just as sleeping pills work differently for different people. If you keep that in mind when you drink catuaba tea, you will be able to reap all the benefits it provides.
resource: http://www.healthpress.us/catuaba-bark-extract-sex-enhancer-or-natural-sleep-herb/
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: How to get (HGH) Human Growth Hormone Naturally?
Tips to Boost your Human Growth Hormones the Natural Way
Natural HGH
- The first thing to do if you want to boost your HGH levels the natural way is to carry on to a better and healthy diet. This is to develop proper digestion and to regulate your blood-sugar level. In opposition to usual conviction, your body requires a regimen that is composed of around 40% of carbohydrates and 30% of excellent fats and proteins. This is why it is proper if you will stick to a healthy diet not only to maintain your overall health but to enhance the natural HGH levels in your body.
- Regular and proper exercise can also help boost the natural HGH level in your body. One of the main reasons why your body can no longer develop the required level of HGH is that as you get older, your bodies are no longer working at its best because you remain stagnant and do not want to move and exercise. Exercising is extremely essential in boosting the natural HGH levels in your body. You can try to have a steady exercise routine at least three or four times a week for an hour every session to make your metabolism at work.
- Sleep is also very important in enhancing the natural HGH levels in your body. Oftentimes, sleep is underestimated when it comes to naturally developing elevated amounts of human growth hormone. You have to obtain sufficient sleep if you want to boost your natural HGH levels because it is at this time when the human growth hormone is developed and released.
- The combination of proper and healthy diet, exercise and sleep is very important in enhancing the production of your natural HGH levels.
There are certain types of nutrients which can help enhance the production of natural growth hormone in your body and it includes the remaining four tips for this article:
- Protein. This is required to supply the important amino acids which are crucial to the production of growth hormones. Protein is employed through the growth hormone to construct muscles.
- Glutamine. This is a kind of amino acid which particularly works in strengthening your immune system, helping assimilation inside the intestines, and controlling the alteration of protein to muscle. It also helps in stimulating the circulation of growth hormone.
- Choline. Choline is considered as a form of neurotransmitter nutrient which is employed to enhance memory and brain performance and at the same time helps avoid Alzheimer’s disease. It can also help produce growth hormone in your body.
- Niacin. The B vitamins as well as niacin can aid in the stability of hormone levels. Vitamin B3 contains the ability to discharge growth hormone levels. This can be very efficient if taken with an empty stomach.
Of course you may also consider natural human growth hormone supplements like GENF20. This product contains choline and glutamine and other essential amino acids that have various functions as human growth hormone releasers. You can buy this product and see the real results for yourselves. Many have attested to the product’s efficacy.
resource: http://hbbase.com/nutrition/hgh/natural-human-growth-hormone-8-tips-boost-natural-hgh-levels.html
Product Description
Restore your looks, health, energy and physical abilities to the levels of a robust young adult! MEN and WOMEN: Become immune to the passage of time! Enjoy the benefits of the most talked-about breakthrough EVER in anti-aging GenF20 Growth Hormone releaser that replenishes your body's lost levels of hormones. (Youthfulness, Vitality and Attractiveness!)
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