Friday, January 29, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: How is adding thickness to your penis with cadaver tissue?

P R O C E D U R E S - L E N G T H E N I N G
Penis Lengthening is available as a separate procedure for men who feel their girth is adequate, but desire to be longer. It is achieved by making a single curvilinear incision (see diagram) in the pubic region and releasing the fundiform and suspensory ligaments which attach the penis to the pubic bone. This allows approximately 1 to 2 inches of your penis, which is contained inside the body, to be advanced forward. There are no incisions on the penis. Many other doctors utilize incisions shaped like a V, Y, M, or Z (see diagram). As a rule, these incisions leave large scars (often on the penis or scrotum) and generally result in a need for revision surgery. It is not necessary to make such large traumatic cuts. These methods also artificially lower the point of attachment into the scrotum.

Your penis is not added to - This surgery allows greater flaccid length almost immediately. Erect length is gained through the use of post-operative traction (stretching) devices. In contrast to breast augmentation surgery in which the patient obtains immediate results, penis lengthening requires the consistent use of post-operative traction for 6 months in order to achieve maximum gain. surgeons’will advise you on the proper use of traction to achieve optimal results.
P R E - O P E R A T I O N
Most men are pleased with their results of an inch or more gain, but some have obtained up to 3 1/4 inches of gain in flaccid length. The most immediate gain noticed will be in the flaccid state. Erect length increases during the following months while using traction. The extent of your gain is predicated on your individual anatomy and willingness to participate in post-surgical procedures that we recommend. Some other doctors say their "special" techniques produce instant results or do not require the use of post-operative traction - untrue and physically impossible.

Beware of False Claims
Beware of doctors who claim that their patients average a 2 inch gain or that they will double in size. This is simply false.
Many other doctors also claim to use the same techniques as our surgeons - NOT TRUE! To date, our surgeons has not taught his proprietary methods and specialized skills to other doctors. Don't be misled - if you want the results that our surgeons achieves, you will have to come to our facilities. Revising and correcting the work of other doctors has taught our surgeons why certain methods used by other doctors simply cannot produce the desired results.
P R O C E D U R E S - T H I C K E N I N G
Penis Thickening is a procedure available for patients who are satisfied with their length, but feel the need for girth enhancement, or for patients who previously had the lengthening surgery only. This girth enhancement procedure is explained as part of the section on Dual and Triple Augmentation.

With Penis Thickening, the patient can expect an increase in girth of up to 1 to 2 inches in the shaft of the penis and some increase in the head (glans) of the penis. This procedure has proven to be far superior to fat injections (used by some other doctors) for increasing girth. With fat injections, the majority of the fat is often reabsorbed by the body and results in distortion and uneven areas scattered throughout the penis. our surgeons has done numerous reconstructive surgeries on men who had received fat injections. Penis Thickening is performed 6-9 months after a patient receives an individual lengthening procedure.

There are some doctors who are using Alloderm to increase penis thickness. Alloderm is cadaveric tissue (harvested from cadavers) which is placed under the skin of the penis. Because Alloderm is a foreign tissue (not from your own body), it is often rejected, leaving an unaesthetic penis. our surgeons has done many reconstructive surgeries on men who received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to its use.
P R O C E D U R E S - D U A L & T R I P L E
We work with Urologist which have developed an innovative procedure for increasing the length and thickness of the penis in one surgery for those men who have good stretched length (75% of patients). This procedure is called Dual Augmentation. Be advised that other surgeons have not achieved the consistently excellent results achieved by our doctors with this unique surgery. This has been proven time and time again by patients who have sought out our doctors for reconstructive surgery after enduring poor results at the hands of other surgeons. This procedure involves the harvesting of Dermal Grafts from the lower back or the buttocks, so the scar is not visible. This tissue is thicker and therefore results in the patient achieving optimal lengthening and thickening of the penis. The doctor then inserts the dermal strips (grafts) into each side of the penile shaft where they are carefully positioned. The patient can expect an increase in girth of 1 to 2 inches in the shaft and 1/4 to 1/2 inch in the head of the penis.

Triple Augmentation is our surgeons’s newest technique. This is where a graft is implanted into the head (glans) of the penis, increasing its size about 10-15%. This unique method combines lengthening, thickening and glans enlargement in one procedure. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure.

No surgical procedure is foolproof, and penis enlargement surgery is no exception. This surgery is still relatively new (approx. 1991). While a very high percentage of our patients express great satisfaction with the results, there are some who do not achieve the results desired with the first surgery. At the our facilities we want you to be fully informed.

P R O C E D U R E S - R E C O N S T U C T I O N
Penis Reconstruction surgery can often be performed on men who are unhappy with their results from previous doctors. Of course, this surgery is tailored to the individual needs of each patient. However, the following explanation generally applies: Scars and bald spots are excised through the use of variously shaped incisions, and the interior tissues are gently parted to gain access to the ligaments that have often not yet been released. Scar tissue that has resulted in a loss of penis length can then be removed. Also, uneven lumps resulting from fat injections from a previous surgery can often be removed at this time. The tissues are then closed with dissolving internal sutures before repositioning hairlines and penile attachment for the best aesthetic result. The skin is handled in a manner to prevent undue tightness and is carefully closed with sutures. After several weeks (typically) the patient will begin use of recuperative traction.

Girth enhancement and refinement is generally performed 6 to 12 months after the scar revision and re-lengthening when the normal blood supply has been re-established. This results in minimal shrinkage of the Dermal Grafts, producing a more aesthetic appearance. You can see our surgeons’s complicated revisions in Case Studies at time of consultation.

F R E QU E N T L Y - A S K E D - Q U E S T I O N S

Can my penis really be surgically enlarged?
Absolutely! The true development of penis enlargement surgery has been around for 16 years. Most of the progress has been through the innovations of our specialist. They have performed over 5000 phalloplasty surgeries since he developed his technique in the U.S. You really can increase the length and thickness of your penis through surgery. Length is gained by incising the suspensory and fundiform ligaments, which attaches the unseen buried penis shaft to the pubic bone. This allows your penis to be pulled forward. Thickness is added by placing Dermal Grafts along the entire shaft of your penis. You can often gain 1 – 2 inches in both length and thickness (girth).

Can I have penis lengthening & penis thickening done at the same time?
Yes, in fact our most popular penis enlargement procedure is Dual Augmentation. This is where penis lengthening and thickening are combined into one penis enlargement surgery. Most men are candidates for this penis enlargement technique. It allows you to have only one visit to the operating room. You will save time, money and will not have to deal with healing multiple times from several penis enlargement procedures. However, some men may have to be done in 2 stages.

Can the head of the penis be enlarged?
Yes, the graft can be implanted into the head (glans) of the penis, increasing its size about 10-15%. This is included in most of our surgeons “Triple Augmentation” procedures. This unique method combines lengthening, thickening and glans enlargement in one procedure. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure.

Is this a painful procedure?
Surprisingly, most patients do not require a great deal of pain medication. We can make medication available, if needed. Mild discomfort is usually experienced for 2 days post-operatively.

How long does penis enlargement surgery take?
Male enhancement surgery takes from about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the penis enlargement procedure that you have chosen being Dual or Triple Augmentation, Penis Lengthening, Penis Thickening or Penis Reconstruction.

Can I have other procedures done at the same time?
Yes, a vasectomy, circumcision, corrections and pubic liposuction.  Additionally, many men choose to have liposuction of their pubic fat pad at the time of their penis enlargement surgery. This can reveal added length of the penis, which is often concealed by the pubic fat. If you can squeeze a handful or more of pubic fat, you are a candidate for this procedure.
This will be an additional cost.

What is the expected gain in girth or thickness from penis enlargement surgery?
For an average size penis, the expected gain is approximately 20-30% or 1 – 2 inches. This is depending also if you choose to add standard or maximum girth.

Is it possible to augment the penis even further?
Yes, many men choose to have extra thickness at an added cost. You may want more penis thickness than possible in your first penis enlargement surgery. You may return 6-12 months after for further penis augmentation.

Are there allergic reactions from the tissue used during penis enlargement surgery for girth?
Our surgeons will only use Dermal Grafts, which comes from your own tissue. This tissue is harvested from either your lower back or your buttock region. This will be determined by the surgeon. This lowers the risk of complications.

How long will I have to remain in the area after having my procedure?
We want you to remain in the area for about 3 days after penis enlargement surgery. Surgeons recommends this to ensure the best post-operative care for optimum healing. Most men feel so great the next day after surgery they want to leave after 1 day. Men who come from out of the country may be asked to stay longer.

Are the results permanent?
Since our surgeons developed his own techniques in 1991, the results have been impressive. New length appears to be permanent and can be increased with the use of traction. our surgeons provides all of his patients with a liaison that works with each patient to demonstrate the traction devices and provide follow-up support.

How much discomfort will I have?
Our penis lengthening, Dual & Triple Augmentation and reconstructive procedures produce little, if any, pain. Patients who come from other doctors often marvel at the lack of pain produced by our surgeries. You will have moderate, controllable discomfort for approximately 2 to 3 weeks following girth enhancement and Dual & Triple Augmentation. This becomes very minimal in the first 5 days. Each patient heals at his own rate.

Does the surgery affect my erections?
Your erections should not be affected by our penis enlargement surgical techniques. our surgeons takes great care to avoid your nerve endings during your phalloplasty plastic surgery. We have had no reports of erectile dysfunction related to our penis enlargement surgery.

Is the gain noticeable only when my penis is flaccid or is the increase also noticeable when the penis is erect?
Your penis enlargement results are noticeable in both the flaccid (soft) and erect state. The results are typically more noticeable in the flaccid state than in the erect state. You can achieve dramatic penis length and thickness in both conditions. Most patients are very happy with their penis enlargement surgery results. Some men also choose extra thickness as well. Penis enlargement surgery for length and thickness, known as Dual Augmentation, can be further enhanced with tissue expanders.

What men are not suitable candidates for this procedure?
Most men are candidates for penis enlargement surgery, but like any surgery it involves some risk. Patients who must use blood thinners (anti-coagulants) or who have a heart condition may not be suitable to undergo this procedure. Some patients may require medical clearance from their doctors. Patients with dark skin should be aware that there is an increased risk of keloid formation, which is an exaggerated scar. For some men, whose penis size is in the lower 20% range, the surgeon may recommend that the procedure be done in two stages. The first surgery is the penis lengthening procedure followed by girth enhancement 6 to 12 months later.

What are the necessary pre-surgery tests?
A healthy man needs only a few tests, such as, a complete blood count, chemistry panel and clotting studies. Also, it is important to have an HIV and Hepatitis panel to rule out Hepatitis B and C, as having this could result in complications during surgery and may delay the healing process.

What are the pre-operative steps to take before having penis enlargement surgery?
Major preparation is not required for our penis enlargement techniques. We insist that you stop smoking and do not use drugs because it can be detrimental to the circulatory function, impede healing and may cause the absorption of implanted tissue. Smokers and drug users often heal poorly and are at a higher risk of developing infections as well as other complications. our surgeons asks that you begin using tissue expanders and vacuum devices to increase the blood flow which will enlarge the penis more after surgery. This should be done 6 weeks post-operatively or when the penis heals. This helps maximize your surgical gains.

Is it necessary to shave my pubic hair before the surgery?
No, we will shave your pubic hair on the day of surgery, which reduces the risk of infection.

Do I have to change any surgical dressings?
You will have to change surgical dressings for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery for length and girth. 

How long do I have to wait to shower?
You will wait about 7-10 days to shower. During this time, the penis will be covered by a surgical dressing. During the initial post-operative period you will need to utilize 10% povidone-iodine (betadine solution) or hibiclens solution. Afterwards, you cleanse the area with pressurized saline.

Is there much swelling after surgery?
In the first few days after penis enlargement surgery the penis will look swollen. Most of this will dissipate over the first few weeks. It can take 6 weeks for all the swelling to disappear.

Can penis enlargement surgery reduce penis sensitivity?
It is uncommon, but with any invasive procedure there is a risk of numbness or decreased sensation. What our patients often report is that after their penis enlargement surgery there is an increase in sensitivity and more intense orgasms. Due to the way this procedure is surgically done, the more distended fibers with penis lengthening magnify the transmission of the erotic stimuli and the tighter fit of the penis thickening causes increased sensation and pleasure.

Are there any age constraints?
The usual age for this procedure is from 18 to 55 years. Exceptions for a greater age can be made depending on the patient’s general health. There are no limitations with respect to age. Patients under 18 must meet certain requirements.

How long should I stay off from work, school or gym activities?
We recommend that you take it easy for a few days after your penis enlargement surgery. You may then return to your daily activities, provided your job does not require intense physical effort. You should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 2 weeks. This will help promote faster healing. By following this advice, you will avoid disruption of the Dermal Grafts having optimum results.

How long do I have to wait before having sex?
You may be tempted to take your newly enlarged penis out on a “test drive” in a few days, but we ask you to refrain per our surgeons’s recommendations. You must wait a minimum of 3 weeks after your penis lengthening procedure, and 6-8 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery for girth known as Dual Augmentation as well as Triple Augmentation. We advise you to check with our surgeons before you begin having sexual activity again. Each patient has their own healing process and we want to make sure your healing is complete.

I have a penis implant. Can I enlarge my penis?
You can do the penis lengthening procedure, but you can not do the penis thickening procedure. This is due to the fact that these patients have a greater risk of infections, which will result in the need to remove the prosthesis.

Will there be any scars after having this procedure?
Several small incisions are made during penis enlargement surgery for girth enhancement and Dual Augmentation. For penis lengthening alone, one incision is made near the base of the penis in the pubic region. This is the incision through which the suspensory and fundiform ligaments are incised. You will not be able to see this scar after your pubic hair grows back. Through this same incision the Dermal Grafts are attached to the penile shaft. Another incision is made behind the glans or head of the penis. It is through this incision that the grafts are carefully inserted into the penis along the shaft and into the glans. Both of these incisions are small and usually heal very rapidly.

Can I use condoms?
There is no restriction on the use of condoms once you are cleared to have sex again approximately 6 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. However, due to the new dimensions of your penis, you may need special sized condoms. Condoms must be utilized indefinitely if you engage in rectal sex.

I’ve heard about fat injections for increasing the thickness of the penis. Do you do this?
our surgeons will not do this procedure. Fat injections involve the transfer of cleaned fat from the patient’s abdomen into the area just under the skin of the penis. With this surgical technique fat is reabsorbed by the body unevenly, leaving lumpy areas and a disfigured penis. our surgeons has done over 1,000 reconstructive surgeries of men who had received fat injections from other doctors. This procedure does not work, but surprisingly, some doctors are still performing it.

What is Alloderm and what is this used for?
Alloderm or Dermal Matrix Allograft is donor tissue harvested from cadavers, which is placed under the skin of the penis to increase thickness. We will not use Alloderm in our patients due to the potential risk of an allergic reaction, which is greater with this product. Alloderm has a high absorption rate and is often rejected, leaving an unaesthetic penis. our surgeons has done major reconstructive surgeries on men who had received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to it. The company that makes this product does not recommend its use in the penis.

What will happen on the day of the surgery?
You will either drive or take a taxi to the out-patient surgi-center. We can also arrange a driver for you. There you will undergo your penis enlargement surgery. You will be given intravenous pre-medication and general anesthesia. After surgery, you will be in recovery for about an hour. At that time, you will be taken back to your hotel either by cab or limousine service. our surgeons will visit you in your hotel room if necessary. Over the next few days, you will receive follow-up care.

What type of anesthesia is used?
our surgeons will discuss which form anesthesia will be best for your surgery.
We offer IV sedation or general anesthesia. This will be administered by an Anesthesiologist (a Medical Doctor) or a Nurse Anesthetist. Our patients are usually up and about within 1 hour after surgery.

How can I assure the best results from my penis enlargement surgery?
DO NOT SMOKE, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL and DO NOT USE DRUGS! You must stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use for at least 1 month prior to surgery and 6 months after penis enlargement surgery. We ask that you stop as nicotine, alcohol and drug use constricts blood flow and inhibits healing. It is important that you also limit caffeine intake 30 days prior to your penis enlargement surgery and 3 months post-operatively. You should not take aspirin or vitamin E products for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your penis enlargement surgery. You will begin to use tissue expanders and other penis enlargement techniques when cleared to do so after about 6-8 weeks.

Will having a larger penis make me a better lover?
Yes, it can. If a man feels more confident and happy about himself both physically and emotionally, he is more interested in making his partner happy. He also experiences greater personal fulfillment.

Where can I obtain the traction/weight device?
We will give you this contact information in a post-operative care package. You will receive this at your pre-op appointment the day before your surgery.

What are my payment options?
We require a deposit to reserve your surgical date. This is non-refundable & will be kept until you re-schedule your surgery. You may pay the balance by cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card 2 weeks prior to your penis enlargement surgery. Financing is also available, subject to approval of credit. This procedure is elective and not covered by insurance.

What does the price of the surgery include and not include?
The price of your penis enlargement surgery covers your consultation, pre and post-operative visits, surgi-center fees and anesthesia fees. Your fee does not include the expense of your travel, hotel, transportation, labs and prescription costs. We can arrange your transportation and hotel accommodations by giving us your credit card information. Because you are our surgeons’s clients, you will receive a special discount. You buy the tissue expansion equipment separately. The price of your surgery can be privately discussed by speaking during your consultation.

Myths, Lies and Misconceptions
In the field of penis enhancement there are many claims that are made that are without scientific merit. It is a difficult task at best for men to weed through all of these claims and know the truth. We hope that the following will help guide you in this quest.

Do male enhancement pills work?
There is no “pill,” herbal or hormonal, or medication that will produce an increase in penis size. Any hormonal “pill” could, in fact, result in an increased potential for enlarging beginning tumor or cancerous growth. A physician should carefully monitor hormonal use. If unregulated, use could compromise the function of the liver causing jaundice.

Do stretching devices permanently increase penis size?
Again, there are no respected scientific studies that corroborate this claim. It is possible in certain cases that weights alone may temporarily increase penis size. However, this temporary result is insufficient to satisfy the enlargement requirements of most men. The major benefit of these devices is when they are used post-surgically after the suspensory and fundiform ligaments are incised. They are of great value to stretch out constricted tissue following surgery and should be used primarily for that purpose.

It should also be noted that vacuum devices are promoted by photographing the results immediately after application. This totally misrepresents the long-term results.
You can expect a 3 to 4 inch gain after surgery.
While there are some cases of men with great elasticity in the connective tissue of the penis these cases are the exception. Realistically you can expect to achieve a 1 to 2 inch gain in length and girth in both the flaccid and erect state. The gain in the circumference at the base of the penis is between 1 to 2 inches while the increase in the circumference of the head is between 1/2 to 1 inch.

Can any surgeon perform Phalloplasty surgery?
Not true. A licensed, certified and highly qualified surgeon must perform this surgery. The most important decision you will make is choosing the right doctor. It is imperative that you check the credentials of the physician who is performing the surgery to insure that their qualifications are to the highest standards. Developing specific techniques takes years of commitment and experience.  Remember, it is always for your welfare to verify any claims of your surgeon or his representative.

What is the right amount?
Too much Dermis at one time can also cause infections because of the lack of blood supply. Additional Dermal Grafts should be performed 6 months to one year later if the patient wants to be larger.

Are results immediate?
While the results are immediate in some respects you must realize that your commitment to insure maximum results will be 6 to 9 months. Following the physician’s instructions will insure that you achieve the kind of results you desire. Deal only with a clinic that is willing to support you after your surgery.
Most consultants have had the enlargement surgery and can give you support through a patient’s perspective. They will give you answers to any questions you may have through their knowledge and personal experience. Some of our surgeons’s patients sought his help and expertise after failed procedures with other physician’s claiming to be experts in this field. 

Are You A Candidate for Penis Enlargement Surgery?
To determine whether you are a candidate for penis enlargement surgery, please take the following quiz:
1. Are you in good general health?

2. Do you have good blood flow to the penis - good erections?

3. Are you a non-smoker?

4. Do you limit your alcohol intake?
(1 glass of beer or wine per day)

5. Is your weight proportionate to your height?

6. Is your immune system functioning normally (HIV negative)?***

7. Is the primary reason for penis enlargement surgery to please yourself?
*** These are critical to successful surgery.
The more YES answers you have, the better candidate you are for penis enlargement surgery.

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