Friday, February 26, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QT: Can I test my sperm count at home?

Plastic Surgery for Men Question Today (QT):  Can I test my sperm count at home?

Fertility device for guys about to hit pharmacy shelves in Europe
SpermCheck Fertility test devices

SpermCheck Fertility test devices show expected results for normal (left), low (center) and very low (right) sperm concentrations.

Home fertility tests aren't just for women anymore.

A new device that looks a lot like those home ovulation and home pregnancy tests but checks sperm count will soon be available in Europe, and is undergoing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review for marketing in the US.

The test targets couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a few months, but aren't ready to seek professional help, Dr. John C. Herr of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, who helped develop the new test, told Reuters Health.

The test helps couples sort out if the male is a factor in the infertility "and to do that in privacy with some cost savings," he said. "The product will retail for about $25. That's a lot cheaper than going in and having a full semen analysis."

Depending on where you are in the country, he added, semen analysis can cost from around $65 to $250, and may or may not be covered by insurance.

In the journal Human Reproduction, Herr and his team report on a study comparing the accuracy of their SpermCheck Fertility test with standard laboratory sperm count methods, using 225 semen samples. The tests were accurate 96 percent of the time, the researchers found. Ninety-five percent of the time a laboratory professional and a lay person got the same result when reading a single test independently.

Sperm counts of 20 million per milliliter of semen and above are considered normal. The test will tell a man whether or not his sperm count meets this cutoff, and if it doesn't whether he has a severely low sperm count (below 5 million sperm per milliliter). "It basically tells the man how deep the infertility is," Herr explains. "If both strips are negative it's important that they then seek medical treatment for the infertility."
 The test works by detecting an antigen found on the surface of the head of a sperm cell known as SP-10, which Herr and his colleagues discovered. "There's a lot of cell biology and molecular biology behind the project," the researcher said, adding that the work of discovering SP-10 and developing the test — much of it funded by the National Institutes of Health — took about 10 years.

While women only need to dip a test stick in their urine to see if they're pregnant or close to ovulation, the SpermCheck Fertility test requires a few more steps.

Users let the semen rest for 20 minutes, collect 100 microliters using a pipette, and mix the semen with a detergent-containing substance known as a buffer, which releases the SP-10 protein from the sperm. Users then put a few drops of this mix into the two sample wells. Within seven minutes, the test results will appear in test windows above the wells.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Why Do Older Men Develop Breasts?

The breasts can enlarge if you are overweight, simply because fat has settled there. They can also enlarge because the actual breast tissue is overdeveloped; this is called gynaecomastia.

To decide which it is, lie flat and grasp your ‘breast’ tightly between your thumb and forefinger. Then gradually move your finger and thumb towards the nipple. If you can feel a firm, rubbery disk-like mound of tissue which is more than 2 cm across, and which seems to be stuck to the back of the nipple and to the pink area surrounding the nipple (areola), it is likely that the breast tissue is overdeveloped. The area may feel tender. Usually both breasts are equally affected, but sometimes development of one is more obvious than the other.
If one breast is more enlarged than the other, ask your doctor to check it; breast cancer is rare in men, but it can occur. If there is no distinct mound of tissue under the nipple, it may simply be that you are too fat.
Dr. Elliot Jacobs, a New York plastic surgeon who specializes in gynecomastia treatment (and who suffers from the condition himself), says that most really overweight men are developing actual breast tissue, not just some extra padding. Doctors say that virtually all obese men (those who have a body mass index of 30 or greater, experience some degree of breast growth. And once that breast tissue is established, it doesn't go away on its own—no matter how much you exercise or diet, warns Braunstein. Considering that 75 percent of Americans are likely to be overweight by 2015, according to a recent John Hopkins study, men may want to think twice about supersizing that cheeseburger.

How breasts develop

Even a newborn baby has some basic breast tissue, which started to develop when it was a 6-week-old fetus. Before puberty, the breasts are the same in girls and boys. They consist of tiny branching tubes embedded in packing tissue. The glands for making milk have not yet formed.
At puberty, hormone levels start to rise. In females, the main hormone is oestrogen (the ‘female hormone’). Oestrogen makes the tubes thicken, lengthen and become more branched, and also stimulates the development of glandular lobules.
In men, the main sexual hormone is testosterone. This is made mainly in the testicles. The level of testosterone rises at puberty to 30 times the level it was previously. Men normally also have a small amount of oestrogen; at puberty, it rises to only three times the level it was before. This often makes the breast tissue grow slightly in teenage boys (see below), but eventually the high levels of testosterone take over completely and prevent the oestrogen having any further effect on the breast. Therefore glandular lobules do not form in men. Instead, the breasts flatten out, and remain as a collection of tubes in packing tissue, just as they were before puberty.

Breast growth in teenage boys

Teenage boys sometimes notice that their breasts are enlarging and/or are tender. This is nothing to worry about, and happens to about half of all boys at some time. It does not mean you are changing sex! It can start anytime after the age of about 10, and the breasts may be quite large by the age of 13 or 14. In the mid-to-late teens, they start to become smaller again, and will usually have flattened out by age 18 or 19.
Results of some surveys of breast enlargement in normal teenage boys
Normal teenage boys examined Those with breast enlargement
1865 American scouts, aged 10-16 39%
993 Turkish schoolboys, aged 9-17 7%
29 American schoolboys, at puberty 69%
681 Italian schoolboys, aged 11-14 33%
135 Swiss youths, aged 81/2-171/2 22%
377 American schoolboys, aged 10-15 49%
Source: New England Journal of Medicine 1993;328:490-5
Why it happens. At puberty, the testosterone level does not rise steadily. Over the first few teenage years, it continually fluctuates wildly and, on some days, the level will dip quite low. These dips in testosterone allow the small amount of oestrogen that circulates in the blood of all men, to have an effect on the breast. This stimulates the growth of the packing tissue and tubes, so that the breasts enlarge. In men over about 15 years of age, the testosterone settles at a more steady, high level. This prevents the oestrogen from having an effect any longer, and the breast tissue usually starts to shrink.
What if the breasts remain enlarged? In only a few men, the breasts remain enlarged at the end of the teen years. This is not usually because there is anything wrong with the male hormones, but because the enlarged breast tissue has remained hypersensitive to the tiny normal amounts of oestrogen, or else is not responsive to the ‘shutting down’ effect of testosterone. Occasionally, a rare medical condition may be responsible, so consult your doctor to check your hormone levels. If everything is normal (which it usually is) a surgeon can remove the excess breast tissue.

Breast enlargement in men

It seems that breast tissue is very sensitive to the balance between oestrogen and testosterone in the blood. If there is either a fall in the testosterone level or a rise in the oestrogen level, the breasts will be stimulated to grow.
Obesity is a common cause. If you are overweight, the breasts will of course be larger because they are more fatty. In addition, fat produces oestrogen which stimulates breast development.
Medications are the other most likely reason. Some drugs have an oestrogen-like effect on the breast, and some block the effect of testosterone. Oestrogens are easily absorbed through the skin; men have developed breasts after using anti-balding scalp creams containing oestrogen, and even by absorption through the skin of the penis from a partner using a vaginal oestrogen cream.

Drugs that can cause breast enlargement in men
  • Oestrogen
  • Body-building steroids 
Psychiatric drugs
  • Phenothiazines (such as chlorpromazine)
  • Tricyclic antidepressants (such as amitriptyline)
  • Benzodiazepines (such as diazepam)
  • Opiates
 Drugs for hypertension or heart problems
  • Calcium-channel blockers (such as nifedipine, verapamil)
  • ACE inhibitors (such as captopril, enalapril)
  • Digoxin
  • Amiodarone
  • Spironolactone
  • Methyldopa
Drug misuse
  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin, methadone
  • Amphetamines
Drugs for duodenal ulcer
  • Omeprazole
  • Cimetidine
  • Ranitidine
Antibiotics and antifungal drugs
  • Isoniazid
  • Metronidazole
  • Ketoconazole
Alcohol abuse upsets both sides of the oestrogen–testosterone balance. It stimulates the liver to clear testosterone from the blood, so testosterone levels fall. It probably also reduces the ability of the liver to break down oestrogens, so levels rise. Fortunately, the liver can often recover if alcohol intake is reduced.
Tumours are a rare cause of breast enlargement. Breast cancer can occur in the male breast, but is usually on one side only. Tumours in other parts of the body can sometimes produce hormones that make the breasts grow and may also cause erection problems and/or oozing of milk from the breast. If you have these symptoms, it is essential that you see your doctor straight away.

Breast cancer in men

Breast cancer can occur in men. It kills about half the men who get it, whereas only about one-quarter of women with breast cancer die from the disease. This difference is because men with breast cancer do not go to their doctor early enough. Therefore men are dying from breast cancer because:
  • they did not know about the disease
  • they were too embarrassed to seek help.
And by the time they get treatment, the cancer has spread. This is a shame, because breast cancer is just as treatable in men as in women if it is found early enough. So if you have the slightest worry that you might have a lump in your breast, see your doctor straight away so that you can have tests and treatment if necessary. Other signs of breast cancer include a sore or rash on the nipple, discharge from the nipple, the nipple turning in, or a change in shape of the breast.

If you are a woman reading this, try to educate the men in your life about male breast cancer.
Old age. It is natural for men’s breasts to enlarge in old age. This often seems to happen over a few months, after which no further enlargement occurs. The reason is partly that less testosterone is produced in old age. Also, in old age, the body often contains a higher proportion of fat, which produces oestrogens. In about 50% of people, the breasts will become smaller again in time.

What your doctor can do about breast enlargement in men

See your doctor if you think your breasts are enlarging, even if you have worked out the most likely cause. Your doctor will be able to:
  • check whether the actual glandular breast tissue is overdeveloped, or whether the enlargement is simply fat
  • check your testicles (because they make most of the testosterone)
  • decide whether any drugs are likely to be responsible
  • do blood tests to measure various hormones, including testosterone. The treatment will depend on the reason for the growth. It may simply be a matter of losing weight or cutting down your alcohol intake. If the problem is a low testosterone level, testosterone can be given by injection or as a patch. Tamoxifen – a drug that interferes with the action of oestrogen – is used by some specialists to reduce gynaecomastia. Another possibility is danazol, a drug that promotes the effect of testosterone. Danazol can have troublesome side effects, such as weight gain, acne, muscle cramps and nausea. The excess breast tissue can also be removed by surgery.
Written by: Dr Margaret Stearn
Edited by: Dr Margaret Stearn
Last updated: Saturday, February 13th 2010

You think you have problems with man boobs. This is what happens to older women's breasts:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spanx's Brand Spanking New Line - For Men! | Compression Undershirt - T-shirt

After years of Steve Carell joking about his love for womens-only Spanx, Spanx for Men is finally becoming a reality! With pre-orders starting today, the line features items like cotton compression undershirts, which look identical to ordinary undergarments — but promise to suck in stubborn beer guts. Ranging in price from $55 for a tank to $58 for a crew-neck or a V-neck T-shirt, the brand’s founder, Sara Blakely, explains the need for the new range: “Men’s undershirts have been underperforming for as long as they’ve been around, with stretched out necks and bulky cuts that do nothing for the male physique,” she says in a release.

“The men in my life (and in Hollywood) have been asking me to make Spanx for men for years, so I was inspired to create comfortable and powerful undershirts that provide instant gratification without gimmicks. It’s your favorite T-shirt without your least favorite part…love handles.” The styles hit shelves at Neiman Marcus on March 15, or you can pre-order them now.
Pre-order yours now at!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Has anyone tried Virection for ED?

devendra said...

Does anyone know of a website where actual people who used sexual enhancement products write? Not the ones who are trying to sell them to you? I'm looking for some information about a natural product called Virection.

Well devendra, I have tried to look for some health forums related to Virection, but with any forum you don't know if people are actually using or promoting the product.  If you are interested in using Virection you can try a free sample at

They state the following:


Enhanced sexual performance and satisfaction—naturally safe

Virection, the all-natural sexual enhancer and treatment for erectile dysfunction allows you to get the most out of your sexual experiences and relationships. Absolutely safe, and without harmful side effects, Virection enables you to achieve the sexual performance levels you’ve always wanted.
The truth of the matter is that over 50% of all men will experience at one point or another in their lifetimes, the issue of erectile dysfunction (ED). Whether you are experiencing a bout of erectile dysfunction or simply would like to enhance your sexual experiences and performance, Virection can help. With Virection, ED no longer needs to be an issue. And because it is safe for everyone, other medical conditions you may have don’t need to exclude you from taking it like some prescription medications.
Virection’s unique herbal formulation boosts the bodies’ production of male hormones. The immediate effect of higher male sex hormone levels is heightened sexual arousal along with the ability to maintain arousal levels and hard erections for longer periods of time. Virection also contains vitamins and minerals to support and boost your overall health and virility.  
Because Virection is an herbal supplement and taken on a daily basis, it works constantly — so you are always ready and prepared. You can be as spontaneous as you like, no need to remember to take a pill before you get intimate. Virection is always working for you.
Comparison Charts

Just how does Virection compare to some of the other available sexual enhancement treatments on the market? It leads the market in almost every category. The table below lists product specifications for Virection and the treatments available with a prescription. It deals with three important criteria:
  • Safety
  • Effectiveness
  • Convenience
As we can see, only Virection is safe for everyone, regardless of a person's existing medical condition. Virection does not provide any harmful side effects from its herbal content, which is well known and has been extensively tested and studied. Because Virection works holistically on the body to improve the functions that contribute to enhanced male sexuality, its effectiveness is greater as your entire body supports it. Virection also has a cumulative effect, meaning as you continue to take Virection it becomes more effective and its effects are longer lasting. Virection's convenience factor is also one of the major reasons Virection is rapidly becoming the leading non-prescription sexual enhancer. Long-lasting effects, no restrictions on when and with what you take it. and Virection doesn't interfere with spontaneity, making it your natural choice.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Is Maca Root Endurance Sport ?

Maca root grows in the mountains of Peru at high altitudes of 7,000 to 11,000 feet, making it the highest altitude growing plant in the world. Maca is a radish-like root vegetable that is related to the potato family, and is tuberous and spherical in form. The root itself is about three to six centimeters across and 4.7 centimeters in length. There are four recognized types of Maca Root based on the color of the root. Root color varies from creamy yellow or light pink to dark purple or black.

Chemically Maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Peruvian Maca also includes a number of glycosides.

As a nutritional supplement, Peruvian Maca has generalized tonic effects on the biochemical functioning of the human body. Chief among these effects is the enhancement of endocrine function. The endocrine system includes all of the glands, and the hormones they secrete, that exist in the body and that control such conditions as fertility, sexual function, digestion, brain and nervous system physiology, and energy levels. Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of being. Maca root has also been called an adaptogen, which means that it increases the body's ability to defend itself against both physical and mental weakening, hence potential illness. It is believed it achieves this by supporting adrenal and pituitary gland health, both of which underlie proper endocrine function.

Known Modern Applications:

Traditionally, Maca has been used for a variety purposes, which can differ for men and women. For example, women have found it helps relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Women tend to notice a dramtic decline in hot flashes and night sweats. Men have used it to enhance fertility and sexual function. Users of Maca root tend to derive a variety of benefits in accordance with their individual needs. However, both men and women have found that it significantly boosts libido and sex drive, increases energy, stamina and the feeling of general well-being. In fact, recently Maca has been used as an excellent alternative to anabolic steroids among athletes seeking muscle hypertrophy. Unlike many other energy- and muscle-boosting substances, such as anabolic steroids, Maca contains no chemicals that interfere with or over-activate normal endocrine function.

What is Gelatinized Maca?

Choose gelatinized Maca for greater potency and optimal absorption. Gelatinization is an extrusion process that removes the starch from the root leaving a more concentrated powder that is easier to digest. Gelatinized Maca was the form used in the first human clinical study on Maca that yielded great results. Plus if buying in the powdered form, gelatinized Maca tastes much better and mixes easier into food and beverages.

How Can Maca Benefit You?:

• Increases energy (Chronic Fatigue)
• Treat sexual dysfunction (Loss of Libido)
• Increases stamina & athletic performance
• Nourishes glandular system
• Fertility enhancement
• Improves physical and emotional well being
• Promotes mental clarity
• Balance hormones

Sources of Maca

Maca is most accessible for western users in either powdered or capsule form. The best source of Maca comes from plants that have either been wild harvested or traditionally cultivated (meaning organically and without pesticides) between the altitudes of 13 000 and 15 000 feet above sea level. Plants grown at lower altitudes have been found to be nutritionally and medicinally inferior in lab analyses. It is crucial to make sure that the powder is derived from sun or air dried plants and not from those baked in an oven. Heat has been shown to significantly alter the nutritional content of Maca. Also avoid irradiated sources. The germ count at the high altitude at which the tuber grows is so low that such sterilization is neither warranted nor beneficial. Maca powder can easily be purchased from the internet or at a health food store.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Can you get phalloplasty in Utah UT?

This operation also called phalloplasty. This procedure can be done in several conditions. Congenital birth defect called micropenis, those are men that were born with very small size penis not allowing them to procreate. Some other genetic malformation of the penis such as hypospadias, epispadias or fibrosis of the penis. The most common reason for men seeking this surgery is an esthetic needs and an individual feeling that their penis is too small. Penis enlargement procedure can be divided into two categories temporary and permanent methods. The temporary methods include pills, herbal supplements and vacuum pumps; these methods have various degree of success. Most of the procedures done today are permanent surgical enlargement of the penis length and width.

To increase the length the surgeon uses the following technique. One third of the penis is hidden inside the body, it is attached to the pubic bone by two ligaments, the suspensory and the fundiform ligament. Cutting those ligaments adds to the penis length additional 2-3 c"m in a flaccid state. The size in the erect state varies considerably. After the surgery, to prevent scaring and contraction counterweight is applied to the penis until healing is complete.

To enlarge the width, the surgeon uses fat grafts and performs a lipo sculpture. The fat is taken from another body part, it is being prepared by centrifuge or using special solutions and then injected into the penis. Afterward the surgeon "sculptures" the penis to achieve the new appearance. This way there is almost no tissue rejection and only a minimal scar is seen. Another method to enlarge the width is dermal or foreign body implants. Subcutaneous tissue is taken from another body site and implanted into the penis. Sometimes collagen grafts are also used. This method requires two step surgery and sometimes resulting in graft rejection and permanent penis damage.

The length operation lasts about an hour and general sedation usually applied. The width procedure takes one an half hours and can be done using IV sedation. You will be able to return to work after a few days, but you must wear a bandage for a week. After the operation it is essential to stretch the penis allowing better healing. You can return to sexual activity after 10-14 days following fat transfer and 3-4 weeks following length surgery. The pain is minimal and can be successfully treated with painkillers. The procedure does not affect the ability to have children.

Here is some General Information about Salt Lake City Utah:

Salt Lake City By plane
Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC), 776 North Terminal Drive, Phone: 801-575-2400, Toll-free: 800-595-2442, [2]. Located on the western edge of the city. It serves as Delta Airlines mid-country hub, with over 120 daily departures for Delta alone.
Airport #2. Located to the southwest of the city in West Jordan, serves as a regional airport for smaller aircraft.

Salt Lake City Utah penis enlargement - Tip of the day:
How is Width Adjustment Done?
Like butt augmentation, fat grafting is made by taking excess fats from different parts of the body. It is then processed in a centrifuge making a special solution. This solution is later injected into the penis. Penis Enlargement is done in Salt Lake City,Utah (UT) while the patient is intravenously sedated.

Local Plastic Surgeons
Dr. Russell Young, MD

* 5353 South 960 East Suite 150
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84117


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Brad Christensen, MD

* 1377 East 3900 South Suite 104
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. David Thomas, MD

* 370 9th Avenue
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84103


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. June Chen, MD

* 7240 Highland Drive SUITE 175
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84121


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Richard Fryer, MD

* 50 North Medical Drive
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84132


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Gary Hunter, MD

* 333 South 900 East
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84102


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Stephen Bennett, MD

* 1045 East 3900 South Suite 201
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Faizi Siddiqi, MD

* 50 North Medical Drive
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84132


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Louis Morales, MD

* 5089 South 900 East SUITE 100
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84117


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Leland Chick, MD

* 24 South 1100 East Suite 201
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84102


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Grant Fairbanks, MD

* 1151 East 3900 South Suite B110
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Jason Blocksom, MD

* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84117


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Courtney Crombie, MD

* 50 North Medical Drive
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84132


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Mahlon Kerr-Valentic, MD

* 50 North Medical Drive
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84132


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Wirt Hines, MD

* 1121 East 3900 South Suite C125
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Grant Fairbanks, MD

* 1151 East 3900 South Suite B 110
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* General Surgery
* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Cori Agarwal, MD

* 30 North 1900 East 3b205
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84132


* Plastic Surgery

Dr. Lauren Florence, MD

* 1250 East 3900 South
* Salt Lake City,
* Utah
* 84124


* Plastic Surgery

I am not sure if any of these plastic surgeons actually do a phalloplasty, but they might have information on who actually does. Get more information here:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Could the new drug, Priligy, be a miracle pill for men suffering from premature ejaculation?

Help may be on the way for guys with an embarrassing bedroom issue.
A new pill treating premature ejaculation is already available in Europe and may soon be brought before the FDA for approval in the U.S., Men's Health magazine reports.

Clinical trials have shown that Priligy, the first prescription drug designed specifically to treat PE, can triple the amount of time guys can last before ejaculating in men who usually last a minute or two.
Johnson & Johnson began selling the pills last year in Germany, Spain and Italy, but the FDA rejected Johnson & Johnson’s application for approval in 2005.

A company officer told Men's Health that new research has been conducted and that they plan to restart discussions with the FDA.

While the drug could be a big confidence booster for guys suffering from erectile dysfunction, some researchers worry that a broad advertising campaign for the drug could incite fear in men who don't have a medical problem.
“There are tons of men out there who think they should be doing better and who will buy into a PE campaign,” Joel Lexchin, a professor of health policy at the York University in Toronto, told Men's Health. “It could implicitly or explicitly define what PE means so that any man could identify with the condition.”
You should not take Priligy if: You are allergic to dapoxetine or lactose, the ingredients of the Priligy tablet. You have heart failure or other serious heart problems such as a heart arrhythmia. You have moderate or severe liver problems. Contraindications to the prescription of Priligy

You should also not take Priligy in conjunction with any of the following medicines:
  •  Meds used to treat depression called "monoamine oxidase inhibitors" (MAOIs)
  • Other drugs used to treat depression
  • Thioridazine used for schizophrenia
  • Lithium, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder (Kerry Katona)
  • Linezolid - an antibiotic
  • Tryptophan - a sleeping pill
  • St John's wort - a herbal medicine
  • Tramadol - a strong pain killer
  • Drugs used to treat migraines.

You must not take Priligy concurrently with any of the above drugs. In addition, you must stop any of the above drugs a clear fourteen days before starting to take Priligy.

If you stop using Priligy, you will need to wait a clear seven days before starting any of the above medicines.

  • Some medicines used to treat fungal infection, including ketoconazole and itraconazole
  • Some medicines used to treat HIV, including ritonavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir and atazanavir
  • Some medicines used to treat infection, including telithromycin
  • Nefazodone - an antidepressant

Do not take Priligy if you are taking any of the above drugs. If you are not sure if the drug you are taking is safe to take with Priligy, ask your doctor of pharmacist.

In any event, you should always fully disclose any medicines you are taking to your doctor before receiving a prescription for Priligy.


    You should not take Priligy with alcohol, as the effects of alcohol may be amplified if taken in conjunction with Priligy, leading to increased risk of fainting or other side effects.

You should also check with your doctor before taking Priligy if:

  • You have not been diagnosed with premature ejaculation
  • You have ever had any type of mental health problem
  • You use recreational drugs
  • You have blood clotting problems, kidney problems, epilepsy or dizziness from low blood pressure.

Before you start to take Priligy, your GP should perform a test to ensure that your blood pressure doesn't drop too much when you stand up from lying down.

This list may be incomplete. Over time, more is learnt about a drug and the lists of side effects and contraindications can change. The above list should be used as a guide only.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: GBL for "fat loss"?

GBL: Relaxation, calming, increased mental clarity, fat loss, use as a body or muscle "builder," recreational drug use, releasing growth hormone, improving athletic performance, trouble sleeping (insomnia), relieving depression and stress, prolonging life, improving sexual performance and pleasure, and other conditions.

 GBL Side Effects & Safety: Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) is UNSAFE. It is illegal to manufacture or sell GBL.

Use of GBL, or the closely related gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and butanediol (BD), has been linked to deaths and cases of serious side effects. These serious side effects include bowel incontinence, vomiting, mental changes, sedation, agitation, combativeness, memory loss, serious breathing and heart problems, fainting, seizures, coma, and death. The effects can be made worse by alcohol or narcotics (opiates such as
morphine, heroin, and others). Long-term use may lead to withdrawal symptoms including insomnia, tremor, and anxiety.

GBL is UNSAFE and should not be taken by anyone. Certain people are at even more risk for side effects.

Do not take GBL if:
  • You are pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • You have epilepsy or a seizure disorder.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • You have an irregular heartbeat.
  • You are scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks. GBL might cause excessive sedation if combined with medications used during and after surgery.
  • Alcohol interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Alcohol can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Taking GBL along with alcohol might greatly increase sleepiness and drowsiness caused by alcohol. Taking GBL along with alcohol can lead to serious side effects. Do not take GBL if you have been drinking.
  • Amphetamines interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Amphetamines are drugs that can speed up your nervous system. GBL is changed in the body to GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate). GHB can slow down your nervous system. Taking GBL along with amphetamines can lead to serious side effects.
  • Haloperidol (Haldol) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    GBL can affect the brain. Haloperidol (Haldol) can also affect the brain. Taking haloperidol (Haldol) along with GBL might cause serious side effects.
  • Medications for mental conditions (Antipsychotic drugs) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    GBL can affect the brain. Medications for mental conditions also affect the brain. Taking GBL along with medications for mental conditions might increase the effects and serious side effects of GBL. Do not take GBL if you are taking medications for a mental condition.
    Some of these medications include fluphenazine (Permitil, Prolixin), haloperidol (Haldol), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), prochlorperazine (Compazine), thioridazine (Mellaril), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), and others.
  • Medications for pain (Narcotic drugs) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Some medications for pain can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. GBL might also cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Taking GBL along with some medications for pain might cause severe side effects. Do not take GBL if you are taking medications for pain.
    Some medications for pain include meperidine (Demerol), hydrocodone, morphine, OxyContin, and many others.
  • Medications used to prevent seizures (Anticonvulsants) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Medications used to prevent seizures affect chemicals in the brain. GBL is changed in the body to one of these brain chemicals called GABA. Taking GBL along with medications used to prevent seizures might decrease the effects of GBL.
    Some medications used to prevent seizures include phenobarbital, primidone (Mysoline), valproic acid (Depakene), gabapentin (Neurontin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), phenytoin (Dilantin), and others.
  • Muscle relaxants interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Muscle relaxants can cause drowsiness. GBL can also cause drowsiness. Taking GBL along with muscle relaxants might cause too much drowsiness and serious side effects. Do not take GBL if you are taking muscle relaxants.
    Some of these muscle relaxants include carisoprodol (Soma), pipecuronium (Arduan), orphenadrine (Banflex, Disipal), cyclobenzaprine, gallamine (Flaxedil), atracurium (Tracrium), pancuronium (Pavulon), succinylcholine (Anectine), and others.
  • Naloxone (Narcan) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    GBL is changed by the body to another chemical. This chemical is called GHB. GHB can affect the brain. Taking naloxone (Narcan) along with GBL might decrease the effects of GBL on the brain.
  • Ritonavir (Norvir) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Ritonavir (Norvir) and saquinavir (Fortovase, Invirase) are commonly used together for HIV/AIDS. Taking both of these medications plus GBL might decrease how quickly the body gets rid of GBL. This could cause serious side effects.
  • Saquinavir (Fortovase, Invirase) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    Saquinavir (Fortovase, Invirase) and ritonavir (Norvir) are commonly used together for HIV/AIDS. Taking both these medications plus GBL might decrease how fast the body gets rid of GBL. This could cause serious side effects.
  • Sedative medications (Benzodiazepines) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    GBL might cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Medications that cause sleepiness and drowsiness are called sedatives. Taking GBL along with sedative medications might cause serious side effects. Do not take GBL if you are taking sedative medications.
    Some of these sedative medications include clonazepam (Klonopin), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), and others.
  • Sedative medications (CNS depressants) interacts with GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE (GBL)
    GBL might cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Medications that cause sleepiness are called sedatives. Taking GBL along with sedative medications might cause serious side effects. Do not take GBL if you are taking sedative medications.
    Some sedative medications include clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), phenobarbital (Donnatal), zolpidem (Ambien), and others.

    The appropriate dose of gamma butyrolactone (GBL) depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for gamma butyrolactone (GBL). Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

Pictured: The young woman ravaged by GBL - the legal party drug the Government won't ban

At 18, Mikaila Tyhurst was fit and healthy, with hopes of becoming an air stewardess.
At 22, her mind and body have been wrecked by addiction to a drug which is not even illegal yet.
Miss Tyhurst has been using the lethal party drug GBL - a cheap industrial chemical popular with clubbers - almost every day for four years.
Mikaila Tyhurst aged 18
Mikaila Tyhurst aged 22
The effects of GBL are etched on Mikaila Tyhurst's face. At 18, left, she dreamed of being an air hostess. Now at 22, she wants to regain control of her life
Her skin is blotchy and covered in spots, her eyes are puffy and her front teeth are missing after she fell and knocked them out.
She has severe liver damage, has been admitted to hospital - often unconscious - dozens of times and almost died of an overdose three months ago.
Yesterday Miss Tyhurst, from Crumpsall, Manchester, agreed to release these haunting pictures to serve as a warning to anyone thinking of dabbling with GBL.
'It has destroyed my life,' she said. 'I hope that by talking about what it has done to me it might stop someone else from trying it. When I look at the picture of myself at my 18th birthday party I feel sick at how much I have changed.'
Mikaila Tyhurst
Starting again: Mikaila is set to enter a detox programme to wean her off GBL. She has been admitted to A&E numerous times throughout her addiction
GBL - gamma butyrolactone - is a component of some paint strippers, nail varnish removers and superglue solvents.
Its use as a drug will become illegal by the end of the year after the Government agreed that it should be criminalised.

Thanks to her addiction Miss Tyhurst, a former shop assistant, no longer works. She is due to begin a detox programme this week. 'I am trying really hard to stop taking GBL but it is very hard, it is very addictive,' she said.
Hester Stewart
Maryon Stewart
Hester Stewart, left, died after taking GBL. Mother Maryon Stewart has blasted the Government's plan to classify the drug as 'less dangerous than cannabis'
'I don't want to take it but when I stop I feel so sick. I am really excited about starting detox, I am going to make sure it works. I know this is my last chance.'
Dr Sean Cummings, who runs a private clinic for GBL users in Harley Street, said: 'This poor young girl looks ghastly, but unfortunately not dissimilar to some of my patients.
'GBL is extremely addictive and like heroin, it is very surreptitious - the addiction creeps up on you.
It may start out as a party drug, with users taking it on a Friday or Saturday night, then they may take an extra dose on a Sunday to help them sleep and before they realise they are taking it on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as well.
'Some users take a dose every 40 minutes throughout the day to feel normal.'
  Deadly drug

The criminalisation of GBL follows a campaign by the mother of a medical student at Sussex University, who died after taking the drug during a night out in April.
Hester Stewart, 21, took only a small dose of GBL along with several alcoholic drinks before falling into a coma. Her mother Maryon, a renowned nutritionist, has welcomed the Government's decision to ban GBL, but is angry it is being made a Class C drug - the lowest classification. Other countries such as the U.S. which have banned GBL have placed it in their most serious class.
'GBL is every bit as dangerous as heroin and Ecstasy, if not more so, because it's lethal when combined with alcohol,' said Mrs Stewart, 55, from Brighton.
'Making it Class C sends out completely the wrong message. It should be a class A drug.'

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Men's Spring/Summer 2010 Fashion - Perry Ellis and Calvin Klein Men's Collection

The house of Calvin Klein is sending out a sartorially-sharp Valentine this Sunday Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. EST.
The luxe designer brand is streaming live its Men’s Collection for fall/winter 2010.
You can either watch the men’s wear show live at or at
You can also catch the Miami-based house of Perry Ellis streaming their shoe Monday, Feb. 15th at 7 p.m. EST at
Calvin Klein’s show will be at the usual catwalk show space at W. 39th in Midtown (where the women’s will be shown Thursday, Feb. 18th).
Perry Ellis – on the other hand – will stage their runway show at the tents set up in Bryant Park behind the Fifth Avenue Public Library (yup, the one with those lions).
This is the final season for the now-iconic tents at Bryant Park after a 17-year run.
When the fashion press descends on Manhattan again in September for the spring/summer 2011 shows, the whole enterprise will be in Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park on the Upper West Side.A model at the Perry Ellis Men's Spring 2010 show staged last September at the Raleigh Hotel in Miami Beach.

A model at the Perry Ellis Men's Spring 2010 show staged last September at the Raleigh Hotel in Miami Beach.
The finale parade of the Spring/Summer 2010 show in Miami Beach. Perry Ellis is a Miami-based label that will have its show in New York's Fashion Week streamed live on the company's website Monday. Feb. 15th at 7 p.m.
The finale parade of the Spring/Summer 2010 show in Miami Beach. Perry Ellis is a Miami-based label that will have its show in New York's Fashion Week streamed live on the company's website Monday. Feb. 15th at 7 p.m.
Perry Ellis' creative director John Crocco - a South Floridian - said his inspiration for the spring/summer collection was Miami.
Perry Ellis' creative director John Crocco - a South Floridian - said his inspiration for the spring/summer collection was Miami.

HIV/AIDS symptoms in men
Dealing with HIV and AIDS is never pleasant. These two horrible diseases are perhaps two of the scariest in the world, and men who are given the diagnosis of either HIV or AIDS often find themselves feeling hopeless and looking towards a life full of drugs and illness. However, it is important to know that a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS doesn’t mean the end of the world, and there are many new medications that make it possible to live a normal life. However, much of this relies on getting diagnosed as early as possible so that you can start treatment right away. While there are a number of early warning signs that appear within a week or so, many of these symptoms are similar to the flu or other minor infections, and they often go away after a week or so. This makes it difficult to tell when the symptoms are a sign of HIV/AIDS and when they’re a sign of something else.

Some of the signs that show up right away but are easily mistaken for other illnesses include fever, headache, tiredness, diarrhea, and nausea. Also, the lymph nodes located in the groin, neck, and armpits may be swollen. Again, however, these symptoms are all very common symptoms of many different illnesses, so the only way to really know if they are caused by HIV or AIDS is to be tested. Some people who have HIV will not have any symptoms right away—in fact, it can actually take years for signs to appear.

There are some later signs of HIV and AIDS as well. These signs, however, are also symptoms of other diseases and illnesses; so again, you may not realize that the base cause of these signs is HIV or AIDS. They include things such as rapid weight loss and very profound fatigue. Other issues include a dry cough or swollen lymph glands. You may also find yourself dealing with a recurring fever, night sweats, or diarrhea that lasts for longer than a week. You may notice some blemishes or white spots on your tongue, mouth, or in the back of your throat, or you may notice blotches on your skin, inside your mouth, or on your eyelids. Another symptom of HIV and AIDS is pneumonia.

There are some much more severe symptoms that can also occur with HIV and AIDS. These include memory loss, various neurological disorders, and severe depression. Because the HIV virus destroys the white blood cells that help the body fight off diseases, it’s possible for someone with HIV or AIDS to develop many other illnesses or diseases. When the white blood cell count reaches the point where many other diseases and infections occur, the person is said to have moved from HIV to AIDS, and their health is at risk from many different dangers.

A person can live with HIV for many years and never develop any symptoms or signs of the disease. It’s also possible that HIV will never develop into AIDS. However, it is still completely possible to transmit HIV to others even if you never show symptoms. If you suspect you have HIV or AIDS, it is important to be tested right away and to do everything you can to keep others from coming into contact with your semen, blood, or other bodily fluids. Take all precautions, including always using protection during sex. Remember, even if you aren’t certain as to the cause of your symptoms, it’s always best to be safe rather than take risks with your own health and the health of your partner.

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Are men who get hair transplants being too vain and superficial?

There are a lot of people out there that would like to grow their hair back but don't because they don't want to seem shallow or vain. What they don't realize is that how you look on the outside can affect how you feel on the inside.

Your personal appearance is a part of your overall self-esteem. When your self-esteem suffers you feel bad about yourself, which can have long-term negative effects on your body. Feeling like you don't look your best can make you feel less social, which can make you become isolated and feel vulnerable.

This isn't healthy! Keeping your self-esteem as high as possible is important for your physical and mental well being. That's why it's not vain to want your hair back - it just means you care about yourself and your long-term health!

Celebrity Hair Transplants
In the big world of Hollywood, it’s not unusual for stars tweak their genetic make-up to look good. Under the flashing lights of glamour, they have to make sure that they look their best. Big celebrities are put under a microscope, where every ounce of detail is talked about and every imperfection is pointed out. It is not a good thing for them to be under that kind of pressure, so they spend thousands of dollars on make-up, clothes and even a good amount of money on their hair. People age, and eventually we notice receding hairlines. It could affect the career of celebrities, so more and more of them are choosing to have a hair transplant.brendan-fraser-hair-transplant
The hair is considered as the crowning glory in Hollywood. It can define your style and well maintained hair shows you take care of yourself very well.
But what happens when there is no hair to take care of because of thinning or balding? It is the most natural thing to happen to a person. We get old, we lose our youth and hair loss can be a part of this. If you are a celebrity, you will notice that altough it is a natural thing, it could cause a great downfall in your career. Their appearances are the baseline for their livelihood, so it is understandable for them to go to the extremes to look good in front of cameras.
Celebrities such as Mel Gibson, John Travolta, Brendan Fraser, Kevin Costner and many others are rumoured to have gone through hair transplants. If you compare two pictures of them from two different times, you might notice that there is a change in their hairline. If you do notice that, then there is a great possibility that they have undergone a hair transplant. It is not a bad thing to go through, but the media has gone crazy on issues like these. People are beginning to get attracted to this celebrity news as well. Chartrooms and tabloids are creating a buzz out of it, and it might seem that this could go on forever.kevin-costners-hair-transplant
Celebrity hair transplants in men are getting increasingly popular, especially for celebrities who are getting on a bit. Still, if your career depends greatly on your physical appearance, then you will spend a huge amount of money to make sure that you look your best everywhere you go.

If done correctly, a hair transplant can make a big impact on the way you look and feel about yourself.  There’s no doubt that Kevin Costner and Brendan Fraser look younger because of their procedures.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: Where do men get tested for STDs?

Getting tested for STDs is quite easy if you are a woman. You go to your gynecologist. Unfortunately, there are not gynecologists who cater to men. Getting tested for STDs can be somewhat more challenging because many men have no idea where to go. Here are some of the different places where men can go for STD testing.

Doctor’s Office

Primary care physicians are the first place that men should go if they want to get a STD test. STDs are typically tested through blood tests. Your doctor may take the blood at their office, or send you somewhere to have your blood taken. The only downfall to getting tested for STDs at a doctor’s office is that most offices will require you to have health insurance before they will allow you to make an appointment. Even if they do, you are going to spend a lot of money on the lab work and appointment itself.

State Health Department

State health departments are another great place for men to get tested for STDs. The good thing about these locations is that they are ideal for anyone who does not have health insurance coverage, as they are low cost or free. Many state health departments are only offered in larger cities or well known areas, however. Doing a Google search for your state’s health department will help you find the location which is closest to you.

College and High School Health Centers

For male students, college and high school health centers are another place where you can go for STD testing. Just like state health departments, these centers can be free or low cost for those who do not have insurance. However, all schools have their own policies in regards to their health centers. Even if you are not given a STD test at one of these centers, they may be able to tell you where to go.

Online Information per State

There are several websites available online which allow you to privately search for free STD testing locations. allows you to search for clinics by state and provides the public with useful information about numerous types of sexually transmitted diseases.
If you suspect that you may have a sexually transmitted disease, the best thing that you can do is get tested. Getting diagnosed with a STD, regardless of what it is, will prevent it from causing any serious damage to you and prevent you from spreading it to others in the future. Don’t skip out on getting tested for STDs just because you don’t know where to go. There are many options available for men who are interested in getting tested for STDs.

How Men get Tested

  1. Women get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by having blood tests, pap smears and pelvic exams. For men, STD exams involve both blood tests and swabbing of the penis. STD exams for men are considered extremely accurate, and screen for syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, genital herpes and HIV.
  2. Tests for Syphilis

  3. Often, the first STD screening men undergo is a syphilis screening exam. The doctor will both visually examine the genital area (looking for a sore called a chancre on the penis, rectum or mouth), and also feel the neck for swollen lymph nodes. Depending on how long the doctor suspects the patient may have had syphilis, he also does a blood test (which screens for syphilis-specific antibodies) and checks the patient for rashes, warts, fever, muscle aches and other flu-like symptoms.
  4. Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Test

  5. Since gonorrhea and chlamydia are similar STDs, they are screened using the same tests. First, the doctor will ask the patient if he has burning with urination or unusual discharge from the penis, which are key symptoms for both STDs. Then, the doctor will either insert a cotton swab up the urethra (the urination hole on the penis) to collect a urine sample, or have the patient urinate in a cup. The urine sample is sent to a pathology lab, where pathologists check for antibodies. If there are gonorrhea or chlamydia-specific antibodies, the test is positive.
  6. Genital Herpes Test

  7. Genital herpes are easy to diagnose when there are symptoms, though these symptoms may not always occur immediately after the initial infection. The symptoms include genital warts, blisters and sores. Abnormal discharge from the penis is another symptom. These lesions are usually painful because they are filled with bacteria. To definitively test for herpes, the doctor will insert a swab into one of the sores to collect a bacteria sample. The doctor may also collect discharge from the penis. The doctor then sends the samples to a pathology lab, where pathologists do a culture test, in which the sample is placed in an area where it may grow. If it grows, the sample contains the HSV virus that causes genital herpes, which means the test is positive for herpes.
  8. HIV Test

  9. As with other STD tests, the HIV exam tests for antibodies in the blood and body fluids. During an HIV test, a doctor will do an EIA (enzyme immunoassay) test that involves drawing blood and checking the blood sample for antibodies under a microscope. If the EIA test is positive, the pathologist then does a western blot exam, which involves placing proteins from the blood or oral fluid on a test strip. The pathologist then adds a special gel to the test strip that stimulates the antibody reactions specific to HIV. If these reactions occur, then the test is positive for HIV. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Male Baldness Cure

By Nita Wooten

Folklore and myth has created an aura of illusion around hair loss, with of these myths revolving around the cause and result. But what are these myths, and are they true? This report seeks to find the myths to blame, and to clarify, confirm or quash them.

Bald men are manlier, as they have higher levels of the hormone testosterone. Contrary to this, scientists believe that baldness is directly linked to the sex hormone DHT. Known to be a much stronger variant of testosterone, men affected by hair loss are believed to be more sensitive to the hormone, which results in the faster process of follicular miniaturization.

Increases in dandruff or problems with your scalp could also be the onset of hair loss. Consider using dandruff-eliminating shampoo to see if the problem stops. Failing that, consult your doctor.

Hair loss is commonly referred to as alopecia. There are a variety of different forms of alopecia, with each of the different strands of the disease carrying different symptoms and different severities. Alopecia in extreme cases can spread to all hair on the human body, where it is then known as alopecia universalis.

One of the most notable disadvantages is that there is no natural insulation in the form of hair when it is needed in the winter months. Many bald men find themselves wearing warming hats to keep warm during the colder periods of the year and also to prevent rain, as there is no hair for absorbency.

It is common for men to feel a certain respect for influential bald men. In addition, the culture of shaven heads makes some bald men feel like they are part of a fashion clique. This can result in feelings of value and self-worth.

One of the key things to look for is thinning of hair. Look for this at the crown of the head. This can be the provisional sign of balding at the vertex, as seen on the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

On average, 50 to 100 hairs are lost a day to be replenished by new hair. There are over 100,000 hairs attached to the scalp with the average lifespan of an individual hair between 5 and 7 years before replacement.

There are people who accept baldness as a coming of age. With a positive correlation between age and baldness, this could be seen as a very wise view to have. Only 1 in 4 men over the age of 80 are unaffected by baldness, according to a recent study.

The scalp cannot produce enough moisture to replace the moisture we lose. Moisturizing your scalp on a daily basis can replenish the moisture lost on a day-to-day basis and can be key to keeping your scalp healthy. There are a variety of moisturizing scalp products available on the market for bald men.

As you can see, the myths regarding baldness are many. The dates of these myths are difficult to determine, with some stemming back to ancient times. In the modern day and age, such perceptions are not regularly seen, probably due to the fact that hair loss and baldness is common.

About the Author:

Super Bowl Commercial - Super Bowl of Chili

Anheuser-Busch, the mothership of all things Budweiser beer-related, will have five minutes of commercials during Super Bowl XLIV, including its new pitchman, Lance Armstrong.

You may recall Armstrong signed on last fall for three years as an endorser of Michelob Ultra, the Anheuser-Busch low-calorie beer.

Armstrong for years has touted his appreciation for Shiner Bock, the beer made in his home state of Texas.
Nonetheless, Armstrong is seen in current commercials sipping the Anheuser-Busch beer after a non-cycling workout.

The beer manufacturer will likely get more than its share of notoriety during the Super Bowl when its famous Clydesdale horses return to the commercial spotlight. Industry buzz is that the Clydesdale commercial features a "love interest."

Anheuser-Busch commercials during the Super Bowl will also feature scientists drinking beer when they realize an asteroid in coming and a man who loves  Bud Light so much he builds his house out of its cans.
As for Armstrong, maybe the commercial will show him on a breakaway victory and celebrating with a diet beer, the consuming of which is one of life's great mysteries. Or maybe, the ad will show Armstrong in a pub with a collection of his former girlfriends around him — all drinking Michelob Ultra.

Now, that would be a commercial.

7 Super Bowl Recipes That Score Big and are Healthier too!

Slow-Cooker Black Bean-Mushroom Chili

Super Bowl Sunday isn’t just about football. The food makes the party too. Try these 7 healthier twists on game-day classics, like slow-cooker chili, pizza, dips and salsa and more… go here 

Slow-Cooker Black Bean-Mushroom Chili 

Earthy mushrooms, tomatillos and a subtle layering of spices combine to give this full-bodied vegetarian chili a complex flavor. Note that dried beans need to be soaked before going into the slow cooker. Once that's done, the chili can gently bubble for hours, adding flexibility to your schedule.

Serves: 10
Preparation time: 6-1/4 to 9-1/4 hours


1 pound dried black beans (2-1/2 cups), picked over and rinsed
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup mustard seeds
2 tablespoons chili powder
1-1/2 teaspoons cumin seeds or ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cardamom seeds or ground cardamom
2 medium onions, coarsely chopped
1 pound mushrooms, wiped clean, trimmed and sliced (4-1/2 cups)
8 ounces tomatillos, husked, rinsed and coarsely chopped
1/4 cup water
5-1/2 cups mushroom broth or vegetable broth, homemade or canned
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
1 to 2 tablespoons minced canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
1-1/4 cups grated Monterey Jack or pepper Jack cheese
1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 limes, cut into wedges


1. Soak beans overnight in 2 quarts water. (Alternatively, place beans and 2 quarts water in a large pot. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 1 hour.) Drain beans, discarding soaking liquid.

2. Meanwhile, combine oil, mustard seeds, chili powder, cumin and cardamom in a 5- to 6-quart Dutch oven. Place over high heat and stir until the spices sizzle, about 30 seconds. Add onions, mushrooms, tomatillos and 1/4 cup water. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are juicy, 5-7 minutes. Uncover and stir often until the juices evaporate and the vegetables are lightly browned, 10-15 minutes. Add broth, tomato paste and chipotles (with sauce); mix well.

3. Place the beans in a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker. Pour the hot mixture over the beans. Turn heat to high. Put the lid on and cook until the beans are creamy to bite, 5-8 hours.

4. To serve, ladle the chili into bowls. Garnish each serving with cheese, a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of cilantro. Pass lime wedges at the table.

Stovetop method: 

Total: 4-1/2 hours In Step 2, increase broth to 8-1/2 cups. Omit Step 3. Add the beans to the Dutch oven; cover and simmer the chili gently over low heat, stirring occasionally, until beans are creamy to bite, about 3 hours.


Nutrition Facts 

Per serving:
310 calories
10 g fat (4 g sat, 2 g mono)
20 mg cholesterol
40 g carbohydrates
18 g protein
13 g fiber
415 mg sodium
745 mg potassium

Plastic Surgery for Men QotD: How to Get the GEEK Look?

Want the definitive guide to dressing geek chic? Then look no further! This guide will explain how to pull off the look, and be cool about it. Geek Chic is a retro style that looks unique, plus it's popular with a lot of celebrities right now. This guide will explain how to dress, match, and pick your clothing.


1. T-shirts- Any colour, featuring a print relevant to geek/nerd culture. Comic book characters and symbols, science maths and computer jokes/references, science fiction & fantasy cartoons, movies, television series and games, anime/manga, video games. Plain t-shirts are good for layering. Try a plain bold colour like purple over a striped long-sleeve, and plain white t-shirts if you prefer to wear these under dress shirts.

2. Long sleeved and ¾ sleeved t-shirts are good on their own or for layering under a short sleeved t-shirt. These can be a variety of colours, using a stripe pattern is a good choice. Try not to think too much about colour-coordinating them with a t-shirt, as the aim of this look is to mismatch your clothes.

3. Polo t-shirts will go over a long-sleeved t-shirt or under a cardigan. Again, go for striped patterns. Its crucial that you make sure these tops fit you well, so look at modern fitted options. A baggy polo top will look geek, not geek chic.

4. Buttoned t-shirts. Its worth it to get a small amount of baseball-neck t-shirts to layer under a cardigan, as this will add some more variety and add a fashionable edge. Otherwise, buy V-neck t-shirts in stripe patterns for a modern flattering look.

5. Shirts- For long-sleeved shirts, get a variety of plain bold colours. Red, yellow, turquoise etc. You can also get a few striped or unusual patterned ones. Have a look around vintage and thrift stores. For short-sleeved shirts you can be more creative. There are lots of different patterns to look at, checked being the most obvious choice for geek chic. Look at others, such as paisley designs, or repeated images. These are a good choice, because they are light, work well with all kinds of layering (a key to geek chic), and will instantly be recognised as a geeky sign.

6. Others- Hooded zip-up tops should be a staple for very casual geek chic. Any colour is good, go for ones with patterns, geometric, striped, a variety is good. These are a back-to-basics choice for layering over a t-shirt is you get cold. Use jumpers and cardigans for wearing over a shirt however. Its worth getting some toned-down pull-over hoodies as well for colder weather.

7. Jumpers are a typical choice for this style. Get quite a few so you have lots of matching options. Use v-neck plain sweaters for use over checked shirts, and sweater-vests for your patterned long and short sleeved shirts. Argyle and stripes are the best choices for sweater-vests. Sweat jumpers can be used in small amounts, but striped ones are a very good choice. Black and white stripes, black and red, blue and green etc. Argyle sweaters paired with coloured skinny jeans will present a classic geek look. Basically, sweaters of all kinds are the staple top for this look, so get many with lots of variety.

8. Cardigans are a modern, fashionable option. Not so much in fashion any more and given bad reviews by many females, they are great for geek chic! Remember, the look is designed to look bookish, but cute and fashionably edgy. The best choice are simple, fitted, plain cardigans. Get a variety of colours. They are great for layering over anything, but good options are pairing them with plain bold shirts, polo’s and baseball t-shirts.

9. Jeans- Jeans are a staple for most styles, and geek chic is no exception. When wearing with geek chic, skinny and slim fits are the best. Achieving a slim lower silhouette is a corner-stone of the look. For regular fitted jeans go for shades of brown and grey as well as basic blue and black. Red slim jeans are a core choice too. For skinny jeans, you can get regular skinny or stretch. Larger wearers should stay with regular skinny. Black skinny jeans will look flattering on anyone who isn’t massively overweight (if you are, then stay away from skinny jeans altogether, but getting slim jeans in your appropriate waist size will look very good). Apart from black, go for colours. Bright blue, red, purple etc. Have a look around retro stores (online and offline) there are lots of neat alternative choices such as purple checked, burgundy, turquoise. Unusual jean colours of any cut are good for this look.

10. Other pants- If you want to go for a more obviously geeky look, then consider the options available in place of jeans. Corduroy trousers have long been a nerd stereotype and should be incorporated into your look. Get green, olive, khaki, grey, but have a look for fashionable high-street stores selling skinny and fitted pairs. Look at chino and casual trousers, in browns or dark colours like burgundy and indigo. Apart from plain casual trousers, you should look at checked/plaid designs for the ultimate geek trouser option.

11. Converse trainers are a key choice. There are lots of colour options and they go with casual and smart clothes. For a smarter choice, go with brogues in brown or tan. Apart from these, Vans are a great shoe brand to browse. There slip on pairs in checked patterns are a brilliant choice because they come in lots of colour combinations. Other than slip-ons look at their skate shoes and trainers. Wearing a pair of modern brown plimsolls with casual trousers and layered t-shirts are a great look.

12. There are lots of varieties to go with this look. Check out bomber jackets, both leather and regular. Hooded wool jackets and heavyweight hoodies, nylon baseball jackets, macs/cropped trench coats. You can choose any colour you want, but try matching them with your shirts. A good option are zip-up track jackets. They are slimming, come in a variety of colours, and the lack of hood means they can look good with shirts. Apart from all of these, military-style bomber jackets are the best option. Light, look good and go great with t-shirts and hoodies, you should look at these. Brown, sand, plum, lots of colours and choices so choose one you like.

13. Accessories are a chance for you to be creative and individual. The most obvious one is, of course, glasses. If you don’t need them, you can get 0 strength lens. Stay away from rounded wire frames, instead go for black framed, horn-rimmed and thick coloured arms. Look at modern options, and pick an attractive pair. For belts, its good to get black and brown for conservative options, but get ones that are snap-buckles, so you can get some interesting, geeky buckles (super-hero emblems, video game icons etc) to wear. Thick white belts are good to pair with a ‘poindexter’ look. Look at printed belts too, Pac-man, Mario, national flags, the varieties are near limitless. Buy a watch! All geeks have watches because time is very important. When buying a bag, go for a shoulder-strap messenger bag. Brown or green, or try one with an image printed on it. Want something a little more unusual? Try getting a character-shaped backpack. Nothing screams geek chic than a Yoda shaped backpack.

14. Lastly, get some geeky badges featuring anime/manga, cartoons, maths equations etc. Pin one to your cardigan, and bag straps.

15. Where would geek chic be without suits? Pinstriped suits in light blues and browns are the best, especially with converse trainers (so Doctor Who). Essentially, brown is the colour of choice. A three piece brown suit with a skinny coloured tie is good, but try plaid sports coats as well. Wear a ‘sandwich’ layer between coat and shirt, such as sweater vests, jumpers, cardigans, waistcoats/vests. For shoes, wear converse, but if true formality is required, wear brogues, loafers and Chelsea boots.


* Example looks
* 1. Printed t-shirt, bright patterned hoody, neutral bomber jacket, slim brown jeans, black converse, green messenger bag, black framed glasses
* 2. Pink paisley shirt, brown striped sweater vest, fitted olive corduroy trousers, checked Vans slip-ons, white belt, Yoda bag
* 3. Purple & black striped V-neck t-shirt, black cardigan, purple skinny jeans, checked belt with Superman logo buckle, purple & black Vans trainers, Nintendo messenger bag
* 4. Long-sleeved striped t-shirt, Batgirl t-shirt, plaid casual trousers, brown plimsolls, brown messenger bag
* 5. Red & white small checked shirt (short-sleeve), burgundy skinny chino’s, skinny red polka dot tie, red V-neck sweater, tan brogues, tan belt.

* There are three cornerstones to geek chic. Layering, slim silhouette, accessories. For layering, wear at least two layers and have a third (usually some kind of jacket) option ready. For slim silhouette, simply avoid baggy trousers. Go for slim, skinny and fitted trousers with more narrow legs. And accessories, wear cool buckles, badges, messenger bags, strange skinny ties, anything with a geeky and nerdy theme.

* Get a decent haircut. A bad haircut will ruin the look, this is the last step from geek to geek chic. Short hair doesn’t work too well, go for an modern indie option, like the straightened fringe casually swept to the side. Be clean shaven, the beard and moustache will look too much into the plain geek side (however, darker skinned wearers should consider growing a moustache and sideburns like Earl from My Name is Earl, this will look very chic with the shirt/sweater vest combo).

* The overall aim is to look cute and sweet, it isn’t a macho look, so if that’s what you want, don’t go with it. Girls adore sweet guys, so wear this look with confidence, upgrade your grooming habits, keep your body in shape, and always try to look your best. CARE about what you look like, and this style will suit you. Its all about being creative, there is so much to nerd/geek culture, you can invent lots of options, so have fun.

* Don't fall into the trap of looking dorky when wearing the smarter outfit. You do this by making sure your clothes fit well, look stylish even with the geeky overtone, and by mixing a standard piece with the non-norm.
* It doesn't matter what other people think. You may be insulted for having this look, but look confident and you will have no problems
* Because this fashion is associated with teens and college students, geek chic is not reccommended if you're over thirty, unless you look young. Otherwise, you risk looking either like the "Comic Book Guy" from The Simpsons or an immature adult.