Saturday, February 6, 2010

Male Baldness Cure

By Nita Wooten

Folklore and myth has created an aura of illusion around hair loss, with of these myths revolving around the cause and result. But what are these myths, and are they true? This report seeks to find the myths to blame, and to clarify, confirm or quash them.

Bald men are manlier, as they have higher levels of the hormone testosterone. Contrary to this, scientists believe that baldness is directly linked to the sex hormone DHT. Known to be a much stronger variant of testosterone, men affected by hair loss are believed to be more sensitive to the hormone, which results in the faster process of follicular miniaturization.

Increases in dandruff or problems with your scalp could also be the onset of hair loss. Consider using dandruff-eliminating shampoo to see if the problem stops. Failing that, consult your doctor.

Hair loss is commonly referred to as alopecia. There are a variety of different forms of alopecia, with each of the different strands of the disease carrying different symptoms and different severities. Alopecia in extreme cases can spread to all hair on the human body, where it is then known as alopecia universalis.

One of the most notable disadvantages is that there is no natural insulation in the form of hair when it is needed in the winter months. Many bald men find themselves wearing warming hats to keep warm during the colder periods of the year and also to prevent rain, as there is no hair for absorbency.

It is common for men to feel a certain respect for influential bald men. In addition, the culture of shaven heads makes some bald men feel like they are part of a fashion clique. This can result in feelings of value and self-worth.

One of the key things to look for is thinning of hair. Look for this at the crown of the head. This can be the provisional sign of balding at the vertex, as seen on the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

On average, 50 to 100 hairs are lost a day to be replenished by new hair. There are over 100,000 hairs attached to the scalp with the average lifespan of an individual hair between 5 and 7 years before replacement.

There are people who accept baldness as a coming of age. With a positive correlation between age and baldness, this could be seen as a very wise view to have. Only 1 in 4 men over the age of 80 are unaffected by baldness, according to a recent study.

The scalp cannot produce enough moisture to replace the moisture we lose. Moisturizing your scalp on a daily basis can replenish the moisture lost on a day-to-day basis and can be key to keeping your scalp healthy. There are a variety of moisturizing scalp products available on the market for bald men.

As you can see, the myths regarding baldness are many. The dates of these myths are difficult to determine, with some stemming back to ancient times. In the modern day and age, such perceptions are not regularly seen, probably due to the fact that hair loss and baldness is common.

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  1. Now a days there are many products that are effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss. so nothing to worry about this.

  2. Given the fact that the majority of the male population will experience hair loss, makes it very understandable that myths acuminate over the years. Hair transplantation is banishing baldness permanently.Fortunately no a day males and females no longer have to live without hair.
